cujukenmari t1_iyk3v11 wrote
Shocker, it's the world cup.
unbalancedbreakfast t1_iykpk4p wrote
I don’t know if u can take fifa as a credible source anymore. Lots of people here in Germany boycotted watching it.
cujukenmari t1_iyku5x7 wrote
The figures they're referencing are from credible sources like Nielsen, Barb etc who gather data on television viewing habits around the world. They obviously left out Germany in this little blurb as it isn't one of the examples with record viewership. However Germany is a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things. Less than 1% of the worlds population lives there.
Display250 t1_iyld3j6 wrote
No joke, when people can now watch 2 games at the same time it must be easy to smash old records.
Bad-news-co t1_iylgm98 wrote
Yeah this is wilder than Pokémon fans thinking their boycotting on Reddit will affect sales numbers lol
Caracasdogajo t1_iylgtba wrote
Reddit is a giant echo chamber, and many times one that holds minority opinions/views.
[deleted] t1_iylhloh wrote
Well atleast now they whole of Germany won’t have to watch and the world don’t have to listen to Germany to try and give us a lesson on political issues LOL
LeCordonB1eu t1_iylk0js wrote
You could do that for a long time already. The world doesn't care about injustice affecting others, as long as they themselves are fine and dandy.
Display250 t1_iyln5vo wrote
I think there's a sub where you can extol your virtues.
saint-simon97 t1_iyphetm wrote
Germany was probably the only participating country where people actively boycotted it.
Key-Banana-8242 t1_iyqdkd7 wrote
I mean they were, issue is match quality is good
Key-Banana-8242 t1_iyqdky9 wrote
At least the sports washing won’t work
MobX06 t1_iyqh9oj wrote
If you want to think that then sure
Key-Banana-8242 t1_iyqivlx wrote
I think people gave a negative image of Qatar and the background of the cup
2klaedfoorboo t1_iyur7rk wrote
People do that?
Display250 t1_iyurdz6 wrote
I do. I know people who do. If they're being played at the same time, you can watch one game and catch the gist of game flow and goals easily on the second.
2klaedfoorboo t1_iyurku8 wrote
The amount of people who do that are rounding errors
patienceisfun2018 t1_iyjwdmz wrote
Take that fifa!