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ohnourfeelings t1_j19fa2a wrote

Yeah but the separate sports do not generate the same viewership or revenue so why should they be paid equally?


kylemcg t1_j19mfr9 wrote

The article you posted says that the women's final (which included the US) barely beat out the mens final (which didn't include the US), in the US.

Worldwide the mens final destroyed the womens.


jermleeds t1_j19n0qb wrote

>Worldwide the mens final destroyed the womens.

Worldwide viewership would not determine the pay rate for either national team, as it's not the metric of interest to US Soccer.


jermleeds t1_j19pecm wrote

Bexause international viewership does not correlate to income for US Soccer as international broadcast rights are held and sold by other entities, whereas domestic viewership does. Low viewership of the Women's World Cup in Ecuador does not materially impact revenue for US Soccer.


kylemcg t1_j19rlge wrote

That doesn't make any sense. Why would teams only get a piece of domestic viewership and not international?

If this is the case, Iceland's mens team would gave gotten basically nothing for its run in 2018 because of how small their country is despite that hundreds of millions watched them world wide


MrBojangles09 t1_j1azscj wrote

Didn't the women signed a salary guarantee while the men gambled and ended with more? End of the day, they don't sell tickets like the men's game. Women's Soccer Championship aren't in the same league as the World Cup.


sejohnson0408 t1_j1c3qcm wrote

Actually it does, because the prize pool for the women’s World Cup is small. During the broadcast for the World Cup this year they discussed that the us women would earn more from the men making the knockout round this year than they did from winning the tournament.


Alexzander1001 t1_j1dz9it wrote

It only effects the national team and forces them equal pay, won’t this prevent the teams from signing salaried contracts? Or do we just go to viewership based pay which would hurt the women’s team or do we pay everyone the same despite performance?