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CantFindMyWallet t1_j1slq09 wrote

You can't possibly be this stupid. He has a contract, so Texas being "at-will" isn't relevant. Firing him requires cause. Depending on the terms of the contract, they may be required to do some due diligence before terminating it.


bga93 t1_j1ss8qt wrote

Oh fuck off they can buy out his contract and fire him if they want

But go ahead and be butthurt cuz you have no clue what due process is


CantFindMyWallet t1_j203g96 wrote

I didn't say anything about due process. It sounds like you're butthurt because you have no clue what "at-will employment" is.


bga93 t1_j204m0y wrote

Yeah i bet you’re about to enlighten me though instead of posting useless shit to make yourself feel better lol


CantFindMyWallet t1_j241nhp wrote

How many times are you going to choose to be wrong here?


bga93 t1_j2421u9 wrote

As many times as you keep replying with utterly useless shit, plus 1