Oceansize757 t1_j1jxa07 wrote
Nobody cares about division champs, at least win the conference before you start getting happy, cuz we all know what happens to the Bills in the Super Bowllll. Yes, that’s 4 L’s
[deleted] t1_j1jy78q wrote
IceColdOz OP t1_j1jyckp wrote
I suffered through the long Playoff drought and the Super Bowl losses. Means my team made it there four years in a row. If you want to be a Grinch, that's on you. I'm going to enjoy every milestone because it can all be gone. Merry Christmas.
[deleted] t1_j1jz9iq wrote
[deleted] t1_j1jzv9d wrote
i_cant_turn_1eft t1_j1k0fl5 wrote
I hate the bills, but man have you guys been through it! Congrats on the playoffs.
At least you're not the jets
Fieos t1_j1k0m8z wrote
Congratulations to you guys. Look forward to seeing you in the post season!
[deleted] t1_j1k0vuj wrote
[deleted] t1_j1k1k51 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1k325u wrote
[deleted] t1_j1k4mo5 wrote
YoungThugDolph t1_j1k4s9s wrote
Eternal losersp
[deleted] t1_j1k5hbo wrote
[deleted] t1_j1k5lul wrote
[deleted] t1_j1k5udy wrote
Macro_Tears t1_j1k66ho wrote
How is four years in a row not a big deal?
Go fuck yourself lol
[deleted] t1_j1k6jin wrote
Oceansize757 t1_j1k6qyp wrote
Four loses, my team gave you one of those L’s Lol
[deleted] t1_j1k6r8u wrote
Dynamite12312 t1_j1k7fye wrote
[deleted] t1_j1k8jca wrote
spartan555666 t1_j1k8zs6 wrote
Win a Super Bowl, then we’ll talk
BlackLeader70 t1_j1k9qye wrote
They’re trying Jennifer
spartan555666 t1_j1k9xrm wrote
First don’t call me Jennifer, second I got nothing against the bills, just they hype themselves every year and it seem to lead to disappointment in the end.
Lockstrife t1_j1kai3y wrote
Okay Jennifer, win a Super Bowl then we’ll talk.
spartan555666 t1_j1kanav wrote
Bills Boy I Love Losing Superbowls
NameOfUserOfReddit t1_j1kanrr wrote
Congratulations on getting in the NFL record book with your game against the Vikings, Mr. Colts fan. I’m glad you haven’t given up on football entirely.
userkp5743608 t1_j1kawxo wrote
I feel like I’ve seen this movie before.
sp1cychick3n t1_j1kb2c2 wrote
“My team.”
Lockstrife t1_j1kbfe4 wrote
Lay off the wine Jennifer, you’re incoherent.
Rowdy_Roddy96 t1_j1kc79l wrote
SolWizard t1_j1kcq6x wrote
Hype themselves every year? The bills had zero hype for 20+ years before the last 2 or 3 years
lapinatanegra t1_j1kcyai wrote
He is a Colts fan?! Lmao, these fucks have NO room to talk after last week's complete meltdown.
[deleted] t1_j1kcz5h wrote
lapinatanegra t1_j1kd3ct wrote
So it's gonna be Bill's and Chiefs for the conference?
juiceAll3n t1_j1kehke wrote
It's Ls, not L's. Learn how to use apostrophes, I promise it's not difficult.
new_nimmerzz t1_j1kekne wrote
Now turn it into more!
juiceAll3n t1_j1kepz3 wrote
First of all it's "losses" not "loses" and it's Ls not L's. Doesn't surprise me an NFC East fan can't structure basic ass sentences.
juiceAll3n t1_j1keu13 wrote
Okay Nancy
juiceAll3n t1_j1kewdn wrote
Congrats on your week 3 Superbowl win!
terry_bradshaw t1_j1kf1b5 wrote
Now on to the real test… the postseason.
Ecktore27 t1_j1kf4nj wrote
Imagine going to the Super Bowl 3 years in a row, and not winning it once.
havocdawg t1_j1kfi1x wrote
Back to back to back!
[deleted] t1_j1kfydk wrote
DasFunke t1_j1kg5v8 wrote
Josh Allen not winning a Super Bowl would be like Dan Marino never winning a Super Bowl.
pinheadbrigade t1_j1kg79c wrote
"Boy I love losing superbowls" was the joke when I was a kid.
lazysheepdog716 t1_j1kgc9c wrote
Imagine being the millionth person to make this crack and STILL getting the number of Super Bowls wrong. Go take a time out.
Ecktore27 t1_j1kgy0n wrote
Bah! That’s my fault for relying on my memory and not fact checking. Happy Holidays!
Dhayser t1_j1kh3do wrote
Technically his statement isn't wrong lol.
MasonP2002 t1_j1khm89 wrote
My dad is a Bills, Vikings, and Hawkeyes fan. He is extremely used to disappointment.
YoungThugDolph t1_j1khqzn wrote
Yall aint never winning one straight loser DNA
Phenotyx t1_j1khu4y wrote
Don’t mean a thing without a ring
es_price t1_j1khv5n wrote
🎶 i've got buffalo 66 on dvd 🎶
phred_666 t1_j1ki00r wrote
I like the movie where they went to 4 straight Super Bowls and lost all 4 to NFC East teams.
KrishnaInKalki t1_j1ki7x2 wrote
Bengals are literally the reigning champs, definitely not tradition.
lorgskyegon t1_j1ki8d3 wrote
KPC51 t1_j1kiudy wrote
... to back
-azuma- t1_j1kixaq wrote
Lol you're getting downvoted but who the fuck cares about division champion banners?
Pockstuff t1_j1kjyv6 wrote
HagridsLeftShoe t1_j1kk5tp wrote
You must be too young to remember their four straight SBs in the '90s.
Sports_asian t1_j1kkl1t wrote
Amen to that!9
RichardGuzinya t1_j1kkqfb wrote
It actually means they won their division.
mehwars t1_j1kku6c wrote
This time it has a happy ending 🤞
kurtozan251 t1_j1kkzkf wrote
masteeJohnChief117 t1_j1kl3bw wrote
Dolphins Bengals
Pockstuff t1_j1kldy6 wrote
Micah_JD t1_j1kllxt wrote
It has been 3 years since Tom Brady left New England? Doesn't feel like that long ago.
Biteysdad2 t1_j1klr0o wrote
That's how they keep making it into the Superbowl
strokerAce21 t1_j1kmwaq wrote
Talk to me when you have 11…. #GoPats
cote112 t1_j1kncxz wrote
clycloptopus t1_j1ko1ji wrote
now do something in the playoffs
clycloptopus t1_j1ko4jf wrote
seemed pretty coherent to me
sampat6256 t1_j1ko5vj wrote
The happy ending is losing to an AFC East team?
ttspapa t1_j1kpijr wrote
Belichick in shambles
[deleted] t1_j1kppdy wrote
RowdyRailgunner t1_j1kpsi0 wrote
I want some Flutie Flakes.
nk5316 t1_j1kqmsu wrote
Calm down, the Bills never win anything
nk5316 t1_j1kqo4c wrote
mehwars t1_j1kqrfg wrote
The first of four straight Super Bowl wins!
But one would be a great start
xontinuity t1_j1krgdc wrote
Lions vs Jags obviously
Afitz93 t1_j1ksl5m wrote
Nobody circles the wagon
Lawnchair_Larry t1_j1kt1m6 wrote
Bears fan checking in to say please make a run to the big game.
Oceansize757 t1_j1kt5nu wrote
Exactly, division champs don’t mean shit, but whatever, I’ll eat all these downvotes for breakfast lol
sllop t1_j1kt6oo wrote
It’s gonna be Bills Vikings.
Somehow they’ll both find a way to lose.
cote112 t1_j1ktdjn wrote
I don't know football
phred_666 t1_j1ktk1k wrote
“Happy ending” wink-wink 😂
BhamBlazer615 t1_j1ktoei wrote
Great, now list the Bills Superbowl wins!
Johnny_Carcinogenic t1_j1ktwwl wrote
The New York Football Giants started that trend!
codysox1686 t1_j1ku3eh wrote
How many Super Bowls in those years have you been to?
billythygoat t1_j1kucca wrote
I would approve.
stayrill t1_j1kudeb wrote
I think a better comparison would be like Jim Kelly never winning a Super Bowl, wait a minute.
The_Cysko_Kid t1_j1kuq6k wrote
I would much prefer the bills in the superbowl than the chiefs, personally.
bmoriarty87 t1_j1kutb3 wrote
Wegmans in Raleigh has them
Maplesyrupcontroller t1_j1kuvm1 wrote
Get your Josh Jaqs here.
petestweets t1_j1kuxye wrote
Still the only NY team with no Super Bowl wins
[deleted] t1_j1kw78x wrote
teejladuke t1_j1kw9za wrote
Except for three straight division titles
Playa_Hamm t1_j1kwdje wrote
East Meet North next week
emceelokey t1_j1kww0a wrote
Next year we'll see the same thing and have the same result.
iggy555 t1_j1kx4cy wrote
How is singletarry the stud not there?
emceelokey t1_j1kx4it wrote
People really wear shirts that say division champs on it. Even conference champs shirts are cringe. You know if you see a person with a conference championship shirt on paste the super bowl, it means their team didn't get a super bowl champs shirt.
emceelokey t1_j1kx80h wrote
Then imagine one more super bowl and you got the Bills
Hi_Im_Ken_Adams t1_j1kxhuf wrote
It’s like “Groundhog Day”, but Bill Murray’s character keeps ending up dead or alone each time.
ben1204 t1_j1kxtrz wrote
I thought I’d be happy as a Jets fans to see the Pats stranglehold over the division gone, but Bills fans have proven themselves to be just as obnoxious, so I hope they crash out of the playoffs spectacularly.
[deleted] t1_j1kyrkb wrote
[deleted] t1_j1kzduo wrote
jj____ t1_j1l0oln wrote
They lost to the eagles?
the_real_abraham t1_j1l0wc3 wrote
Don't you mean back to back to back to back to back to back to back division champions? My bad. That's the Chiefs.
360walkaway t1_j1l0zhg wrote
But it was the helicopter that threw field goal kick to the side!
fishmister7 t1_j1l18rb wrote
TheGRVOfLightning t1_j1l19v2 wrote
No. Giants, Washington (once each) and Dallas (twice).
angrylawnguy t1_j1l1ove wrote the buffalo bills!
Music playing
Standing on the corner Jameis Winston down in Nola, such a fine sight to see
spacepilot_3000 t1_j1l1y65 wrote
Man last year I learned that the Los Angeles Rams beat the fucking Bengals after many years of not following the NFL
I'd heard about Brady because that was big news but that headline threw me
[deleted] t1_j1l235o wrote
Spanky_McJiggles t1_j1l2559 wrote
No NY teams have a SB win, as there is only 1 football team in NY
WentzWorldWords t1_j1l2jmd wrote
With as many Super Bowl wins as the Detroit lions. Congratulations!!! You did it!!
fadoofthekokiri t1_j1l2p9d wrote
That's very nice Mr. Young Thug Dolph
fadoofthekokiri t1_j1l2r51 wrote
Jennifer what?
ImReallyAnAstronaut t1_j1l39my wrote
checks math holy shit he's right
[deleted] t1_j1l3g38 wrote
22Wideout t1_j1l4090 wrote
You know how it ends then 😏
frankiedonkeybrainz t1_j1l56ng wrote
The Jets won superbowl 3. They played at Shea stadium til the 80s
Wakandan15 t1_j1l727p wrote
Not the first incredible streak this team has owned….
aCROOKnotSHOOK t1_j1l76ia wrote
? What was surprising about it?
Not_n_A-Hole_usually t1_j1l7as8 wrote
Time to go for four in a row in homage to your SB streak in the 90’s
[deleted] t1_j1l7o1e wrote
ItsAndyRu t1_j1l837e wrote
Presumably didn’t know Stafford got traded there or that Kupp had one of the most dominant WR seasons ever. Or that their No. 2 wideout Robert Woods went down for the season with a torn ACL and the Rams just turned around and signed OBJ. Or that the Bengals were even good with a sophomore Joe Burrow coming off his own season-ending knee injuries
RacistProbably t1_j1l9hat wrote
And 1 Super Bowl title 😤 elite
RacistProbably t1_j1l9jwh wrote
Yeah but the chiefs won that won super bowl have you not heard?
TheIndyCity t1_j1l9lfj wrote
Vikings vs Bills Super Bowl, it’s what we need. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object, someone has to win!
StinkyStangler t1_j1l9tq0 wrote
Pro tip, get a QB who could win a high school football game and it’s easier to enjoy watching your team
aCROOKnotSHOOK t1_j1latpb wrote
True or maybe even way further back, like maybe they didn't realize that the Rams moved back to LA lol
the_real_abraham t1_j1lb20q wrote
RacistProbably t1_j1lb3a9 wrote
lolol had to reach deep for that one
the_real_abraham t1_j1lb8a7 wrote
Also, Mahomes didn't go 0-4 in consecutive Super Bowls.
geordieColt88 t1_j1lbafp wrote
Could be worse could meltdown and throw away a lead to the chiefs in the Super Bowl
RacistProbably t1_j1lbb8a wrote
He didn’t go to four consecutive Super Bowls 😂
TuaTurnsdaballova t1_j1lbt50 wrote
>!it did not have a happy ending!<
phred_666 t1_j1lecja wrote
Vagadude t1_j1lg6qw wrote
I'm always curious if the sentiment by the 4th one was " We can't possible lose a 4th time" or "they'll probably fucking lose like the last 3 they went to"
phred_666 t1_j1lgvkf wrote
Not sure. They lost the first one by one point on a missed FG and the other 3 weren’t even close.
OHTHNAP t1_j1lkou6 wrote
At least you made it to the big show. We got Aaron Rodgers, all time leading NFC Champ game loser. Harry Houdini in the playoffs himself.
Kinglink t1_j1llgz0 wrote
Yup, they won, they lost, and they went under .500 (most likely).
sabeshs t1_j1llioj wrote
Bill fan here from Canada - I'll be happy if we can get through the Chiefs in the post season.
Kinglink t1_j1lljwe wrote
He's probably chuffling after killing Matt Patricia and a few choice players saying "Hey, it's not the Jets"
[deleted] t1_j1lmlke wrote
[deleted] t1_j1lmt01 wrote
Waterfish3333 t1_j1lnen3 wrote
I’m a Redzone on Sundays fan, but what happened to the Dolphins? Last I looked, they were beating everybody and a serious contender?
UniqueNobo t1_j1lnwvu wrote
just like how they were AFC champions 4 years in a row!
DustyHound t1_j1loftq wrote
Bills mafia are actually good people that do a lot for the community via crowd funding and charities etc. NBC did a cool expose on them. Showing the goofy side vs how Buff is the city of good neighbors. (Which is evident this moment as even we can get destroyed in a blizzard)
Every fan base has the ones that go too far in any sport. But as a whole, they are just pleasantly excitable. Which I think goes back to the 90’s and the media crapping all over the bills. As if to say, we know our team annoys you. As far as the snowball incident last week, Buff and Miami are both guilty. But when the threat of a penalty was announced, Miami kept doing it. I went to a Miami game once where they flipped over a buffalo charter bus over an early season game.
You don’t have to like us and I don’t know your experience but dig a little deeper. Pretty sure there was a crowd fund for a KC charity after the loss last year. We are cool to visiting fans from what my die hard friends tell me. They will offer up fantastic tail gating spreads if you just go up and say hi. I’m told it’s common practice. There’s friendly jabs I’m sure. The media likes to just focus on the wackiness during a game. I must admit it looks insane from a distance. I only watch them on TV. I’ve got shit to do on Sundays.
GovRonDeSantis2024 t1_j1lp2z6 wrote
Vikings down by 50 in second half and come back from it
Pennwisedom t1_j1lr64l wrote
Next you'll tell me the Houston Oilers aren't even a team anymore
[deleted] t1_j1lrndf wrote
[deleted] t1_j1lrpf5 wrote
HammerTimeHTFU t1_j1lt5nj wrote
I mean, he also played incredible ball during their 2010 SB run. Absolutely torched the Falcons in the divisional round. Gotta give credit where it’s due.
Teantis t1_j1lu8qd wrote
The Bengals being good was probably also surprising
DjangoBaggins t1_j1lwadr wrote
So no one can give the Dolphins shit cause of the 72 season? Right?
lorchard t1_j1lwav5 wrote
Bad defense, stubborn play calling/first year coach, bad defense, injuries. Tua had a head scratching game or two but he was by far the least influential reason for the struggles.
rerunvp t1_j1lx81h wrote
Jim Kelly playing?
davefive t1_j1lxab1 wrote
They will win a Super Bowl this year
bguzewicz t1_j1lxci4 wrote
First tie in Super Bowl history.
dalnot t1_j1lxsx9 wrote
The one (1) situation in which I will tolerate the Cowboys winning the Super Bowl is if they beat the Bills because that would be the funniest shit ever
TurdFurguss t1_j1lytns wrote
I haven’t heard this one in 30 years.
Chimpbot t1_j1m0o1u wrote
"Here we are on Day Eight of the Super Bowl, about to start overtime #147."
Myl0high t1_j1m1umo wrote
Still suck
[deleted] t1_j1m2kpo wrote
[deleted] t1_j1m2qb9 wrote
dornwolf t1_j1m54ed wrote
Theres a 30 for 30 about that and that’s pretty much what they have video of people saying
HashtagNani t1_j1m6l7i wrote
We got amazing seats for the AFC championship. Come on Buffy don’t fail us this year.
AngelSparkles t1_j1m7ghg wrote
Guess we will see if the Cigarette Smoking man is still alive…
[deleted] t1_j1m7szs wrote
TitaniuIVI t1_j1m98v6 wrote
They're the Dolphins. Every season starts out promising, and somehow they just can't finish the season. Most dolphans are use to it. "There's always next year"
IGotGolfTips t1_j1m9oo8 wrote
BnSMaster420 t1_j1maazz wrote
with nothing to show for it!
-WizeGuy- t1_j1mc7a0 wrote
The four falls of Buffalo is a beautiful movie!
-WizeGuy- t1_j1mcg7r wrote
Meh. Theyve won playoff games the last two years. Winning a Superbowl is incredibly hard
JTGreenan73 t1_j1mcl0z wrote
Like he said , they never win anything
clycloptopus t1_j1mco0n wrote
I used to be Browns fan (used to be,) so I have no room to talk. Love Josh Allen and rooting for the Bills all da way.
JTGreenan73 t1_j1mdgw2 wrote
Bc there’s no rings to show for it
JTGreenan73 t1_j1mdmbq wrote
Everyone knows that story. They lost all 4 Lmao.
[deleted] t1_j1mdxbj wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mefp6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mexzw wrote
SoftwareBug t1_j1mi97v wrote
What’s Buffalo’s area code? 044
Bradycolson1 t1_j1mj4uz wrote
Just woke up from a nap. How are the Minneapolis Lakers doing today?
Buckscience t1_j1mqoun wrote
Bill Belichick is rolling in his grave.
Buckscience t1_j1mqy91 wrote
Only Bob Kraft has happy endings.
evanvivevanviveiros t1_j1mr91k wrote
Assuming here but the Bengals were mediocre and LA didn’t have a football team.
evanvivevanviveiros t1_j1mreky wrote
Good news: they are still the Lakers
Bad News: that lake is now the Pacific Ocean
[deleted] t1_j1mza4l wrote
[deleted] t1_j1n4bi3 wrote
ben1204 t1_j1n5yzh wrote
ben1204 t1_j1n647f wrote
The charity stuff is cool. But I had very unpleasant experiences with them at a Jets tailgate several years ago, worse than any other team we’ve played.
LordRobin------RM t1_j1nhjol wrote
I was attending grad school in Buffalo during the first of those Super Bowls, against the Giants. The campus was a ghost town. I think there were more Giants fans on campus than Bills fans.
the_real_abraham t1_j1njevt wrote
The Bills did. 0-4
the_real_abraham t1_j1njsis wrote
Chiefs Super Bowl record: 2-2.
Bills Super Bowl record: 0-4
sabeeh12135 t1_j1nk1lc wrote
Allen is going to get himself hurt if he keeps running the way he does now
[deleted] t1_j1nky9j wrote
The Cincinnati Bengals are gonna give those Bills a wake-up call. Shame, considering the long standing bromance between the two organizations.
[deleted] t1_j1pd61x wrote
PJammas41 t1_j1qp5d6 wrote
Neither did anyone else on that documentary other than the 1 player to claim it. What I would’ve given to transport Justin Tucker for that kick
phred_666 t1_j1s045w wrote
My favorite team is whoever is playing the Cowboys.
[deleted] t1_j1tgsz7 wrote
noldyp t1_j1uiehe wrote
Eagles Bills will be the game this year
geordieColt88 t1_j1jw0ca wrote
20 years of being Brady’s bitches then get decent when he’s gone