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Cheddar-Holt t1_j1uhs8o wrote

You’re joking, right?

They guy who voices Patrick was just talking live. The animations are just matching sounds and voice inflection which is something easily done in animation.

The guy just had a great one liner.


Strais t1_j1umwbv wrote

Not going to comment one way or another on your opinion, but look up Vtubers if you think any part of that couldn’t be done on the spot live. That actually doesn’t look that great compared to some of the rigging I’ve seen.
The only thing that would have impressed me about it would be if it was a voice changer and not the normal voice actor. But considering the simplicity of the call and the effort to stay in character I’d say it’s Fagerbakke.


Slicew7 t1_j1unz5c wrote

Maybe Dobber did know football?


Cheddar-Holt t1_j1uo9qj wrote

Considering it was being aired on Nickelodeon, it pretty much had to be Fagerbakke. No way they’d have someone else voice some iconic like Patrick on their own channel.


Phuck_Olly t1_j1uptrc wrote

This is the Patrick Star voice of my nightmares


reilmb t1_j1urpp6 wrote

Anybody realize how close the Seahawks are to getting the first pick in the draft?


[deleted] t1_j1uw2cd wrote

Do you understand how lame it is to complain about the quality of a kid’s show when you’re a grown ass adult?

So the kids who watch spongebob today and enjoy it, they’re just dumb huh?


DoctorSteve t1_j1uyica wrote

Or - it's just harder to do his voice perfect live when you're also coming up with all the words and narrating a NFL game and there's no retakes.

He sounds fine on SpongeBob. But when you know in advance what you're going to say, you can hit certain inflections that are harder to do live.


sweetypetey t1_j1v00o6 wrote

Wow American football has a chance. Thank you Patrick star, you’re a star.


swimbaitjesus t1_j1v086w wrote

When Patrick is smarter than the Broncos coaching staff


techieman33 t1_j1v1hwv wrote

That one's definitely in contention. Watson hasn't played in 2.5 years so this is basically a preseason for him to get back into game shape. I don't think we'll really know how good he is until next season. Assuming he managed to stay out of jail of course.


assassbaby t1_j1v1jme wrote

man russ must be having some marital issues and messing with his head, could the head coach have this much impact on the routes/execution once the ball is hiked?


MoreOldBay t1_j1v1pke wrote

M-O-O-N that’s spells interception


dsli t1_j1v2niv wrote

I'm just gonna be that guy. Let's ride.


japes28 t1_j1v634t wrote

Do you understand how dumb it is to complain about a grown ass adult complaining about the quality of a kids show?

So the adults who watch SpongeBob today and don’t enjoy it, they’re just lame huh?


Mrtnxzylpck t1_j1v7jy8 wrote

An injury ended his career. same thing happened to Kevin James in high school but with wrestling. What makes this significant is his teammate and replacement after his injury was WWE legend Mick Foley.


thejawa t1_j1v8f08 wrote

Hard to top the Ricky Williams trade, where the Saints traded their entire draft + 2 of the top 3 picks the following year to get Williams, who wasn't interested in playing for the Saints, threatened to play baseball instead, then played for them for 3 seasons before being traded to Miami.


hl3_for_Eli t1_j1v9l5k wrote

Commentate and commentated are actual words. Seems like "commentates" should be intuitively proper usage in this scenario but English is fucking nonsense language so WTF do I know


EMPulseKC t1_j1vafyr wrote

This is a weird-ass fuckin' timeline.


JohnnyFlickerwisp t1_j1vch4v wrote

We will never forget what maroon 5 took from us when they teased sweet victory and didn't deliver


Hipp013 t1_j1ve8s0 wrote

Genuine question: How is the viewership of these Nickelodeon NFL games? I know they've only had a handful of Nickelodeon broadcasts in the ~3 years it's been a thing, but are there any viewership stats indicating that this is working to get young kids interested in the NFL?


upvoter222 OP t1_j1vjmbi wrote

In their most common usage, a commentator is someone who provides live descriptions of an event. A commenter is someone providing their thoughts or opinions about anything, but not necessarily while it's happening.


vowelqueue t1_j1voxog wrote

The “intra” prefix means “within” or “on the inside”, so I think another interpretation is that Russ is so bad he might as well be playing for the other team.


ToobooQ8 t1_j1vqd69 wrote

In love with the engine!!



AUserNeedsAName t1_j1vryea wrote

I think the Vikings managed to top it when they mortgaged their entire future buying an old-ass Herschel Walker from the Cowboys and setting Dallas up for their dominance in the 90s. Walker played for them for 3 years, leading them to a single playoff game in that time.


AC85 t1_j1vz0ud wrote

Being clowned on national TV on Christmas by Patrick Star has to be rock bottom right?


hytes0000 t1_j1vzphd wrote

In part, but Denver's defense has been really good this year and are top 10 DVOA even after getting torched last week. Russ just isn't the same guy he was, hurt or otherwise, I hope he can get it back together next year. He was on a likely HoF track before this year.


mikrochipkid t1_j1vzsmt wrote

Jesus worst game I have ever seen in my life…


tyjeh1994 t1_j1w0wuk wrote

I came here for a SpongeBob joke.


oMYSTICISMo t1_j1w0zkc wrote

The only way I want to watch football from now on


SandSeraph t1_j1w2qlb wrote

It was also a system largely designed around having one of the top RBs in the league. When Marshawn can go off for 150 any given game it opens up the long ball that Wilson was "the best" at. Now, with a middling run game, he is getting exposed. It doesn't help that he simultaneously seems to have lost a significant amount of accuracy.


slapshots1515 t1_j1xcv5k wrote

That was certainly true when Marshawn was there, but he’s been gone since 2015 (aside from a brief cup of coffee return). Their RBs since then have been nowhere near that caliber. Wilson has a ton of issues this year, but it’s not just that he doesn’t have a top RB-he hasn’t for most of his prime.


SandSeraph t1_j1xe2qf wrote

The name might not have been as big but the efficiency was for several of those years. 16-17 were rough for them, but Carson put up good numbers in 18-19. I think he was over 1,100 yards in both seasons. Not 2012 lynch numbers, but the Broncos haven't had a rusher break 1,100 yards in a season since McGahee in 2011. It's a completely different offensive package, and the way our front office operates, we need a gunslinger to even be competitive. Look at 2016 to now, even with the Super Bowl year, we have been abysmal on offense and rely on stellar D because we only know how to play offensive football if we have a top 5 quarterback.


GingerScourge t1_j1xocmp wrote

Lifelong Seahawks fan here. During that time he was younger and more mobile. He also had one of the best RBs in the league at the time. The Seahawks were one of the hardest teams to defend against because they had one of the most athletic QBs in the league, top tier RB, and a solid receiver core. Russ’s height wasn’t a huge disadvantage because they were running mostly an option offense, and Russ was great at reading defenses.

Russ has been slowing down lately and the Seahawks haven’t had a really good season in a few years. The Broncos traded a good portion of their future and a quarter billion in total cap space for an aging, undersized QB who worked well in a very specific offense at a time when he was in his prime.

When I first heard of the trade I was disappointed but not surprised. The writing has been on the wall for a couple years. When I saw what we got in return, I knew who got the better end of the deal. Im friends with a few Broncos fans and they kept giving me shit and making fun of (now probowler) Geno Smith. I kept telling them they’d have a losing season and wouldn’t make the playoffs, citing the above.

Who’s a bitch now, Brendan!


uncre8tv t1_j1xoi2m wrote

Bill Fagerbakke played Dauber for goodness sakes. He knew *exactly* what he was saying.

(as in, he would have worked in the joke, not as in he knew how to say the word, obviously)


slapshots1515 t1_j1xq9sv wrote

Chicken and egg. Wilson was as important for the rushing game as the rushing game was for Wilson in Seattle. I like Carson a lot, but trust me when I say he was nothing special as an athlete-just a tough as nails north-south runner willing to give his all. The system wasn’t designed around a top RB post-Lynch. The Broncos could easily find themselves a Chris Carson, I guarantee you that. You’re looking at the results, not the play on the field.

That being said, it was, however, designed around a heavy run-pass balance. That’s definitely not the type of offense Hackett ran this year. Wilson doesn’t need a top five RB, but there does need to be changes from this year.


jjc927 t1_j1xreou wrote

IMO the Nickelodeon NFL broadcasts are fun and they should do a game every week.


RealEradikate t1_j1y63om wrote

A sport so boring that even Patrick Star could commentate it


AWKBTK t1_j1yu9tu wrote

I think he just wanted to cook


realdealreel9 t1_j1ywszr wrote

Bill Fagerbakke knows a lot about football from his pre-Spongebob days on "Coach"


TB1289 t1_j1yz739 wrote

Patrick Star>90% of play-by-play guys


assassbaby t1_j1zoaiw wrote

i completely agree with all this but is he that bad now that he clearly cant see a defender in the way of his receivers, like he regressed that much or is the offense in general not knowing the playbook vs what he thinks is the playbook?

i mean this could be one of the biggest falls from grace when it comes to “elite” quarterbacks that won a superbowl early on then became a bust?


GingerScourge t1_j227xlr wrote

I didn’t really explain it well in my last post. Basically, when he was with the Seahawks and they were doing well, there were a lot of pieces in place that made it happen. Russ’s flaws (mostly his height) weren’t an issue because defenses had to defend against pass, rush and keeper on every play. Even his best pass plays were outside the pocket where he didn’t have to see over 6’5” lineman. He has been a decent pocket passer, but that’s not what he’s best at.

Fast forward to this season. He’s older, slower, less athletic. He doesn’t have a top tier RB. He can’t scramble like he could 7 or 8 years ago. His receiver core is relatively mediocre. And because of all of this, he’s forced to try to make things happen in the pocket. But because all those things that were a threat from the Seahawks just don’t exist anymore, he’s much easier to defend against. His height is now a problem, and we’re seeing he was always just a decent pocket passer.

Add all of this to the fact that he’s pissing off and embarrassing his teammates saying stupid shit like God is testing them. It’s really no wonder he’s not playing well. The flaws he’s always had are being magnified. And it’s obvious that the Seahawks success with Russ wasn’t a case of “Russ is amazing.” It was more a case of, “Right place, right time. Perfect storm of ability across the entire team, and Russ fit in perfectly there.”