[deleted] t1_j2ycwhy wrote
Mandy-Rarsh t1_j2yd5bo wrote
blumpkinmania t1_j2yfkv1 wrote
This isn’t good for anyone involved.
Zealousideal-Club290 t1_j2yj7j4 wrote
Thanks Mom
[deleted] t1_j2yjcge wrote
GucciGecko t1_j2ylxhr wrote
Wow this whole thing is getting messy. I wasn't a fan of Berhalter and wanted the team to move on from him for a number of reasons:
Lack of goal scoring - well he left Pefok and Pepi off the roster. I understand leaving Pepi off because of his age and lack of experience but Pefok was much better than most forwards on the team. He was at least better then Wright and Ferreira.
His handling of Reyna. He shouldn't have made the benching public even though he thought it was off the record.
To leak what they did about Berhalter though is just classless and low. This could possibly affect his livelihood and career in coaching, not just his tenure with the USMNT.
2 (or multiple) wrongs don't make a right, Gio was immature in how he handled the benching/lack of playing time and Berhalter shouldn't have made it public but Danielle Reyna took it to a whole other level.
[deleted] t1_j2yr3ob wrote
How does her son go back to play for the team now? Lol
[deleted] t1_j2yruw9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2ys5ke wrote
Seahawk715 t1_j2yv9mi wrote
This is the most petty and ridiculous thing I’ve seen in a while. I wonder why US soccer lags behind the rest of the world? This entitlement bullshit may enter the chat.
Seahawk715 t1_j2yvlcn wrote
And only to say something NOW, when her kid suffers some sort of perceived slight? What a fucking hypocrite she is. “It took me a long time to forgive Gregg and I was with (insert name) to guide her through the trauma”. Not to downplay what Berhalter did, but she was apparently never okay with it if she’s using it as extortion this much later.
Seahawk715 t1_j2yvrgy wrote
I don’t think that family is involved with the national team ever again. They’ll stay in soccer somewhere but I wouldn’t touch any of them with a ten foot header.
cujukenmari t1_j2yxd12 wrote
Really cool to see America's youth sports toxic, helicopter parenting issues making it's way to the International scene.
Next World Cup I hope to see the Reyna's jump onto the field to let the ref know he's a piece of shit.
LanceAlgoriddim t1_j2z7t7r wrote
Yeah espn putting it front page and declaring breaking news, as if anyone gives AF about this, shows our sports media is a bit problematic too.
[deleted] t1_j2z8a2g wrote
Ghost2Eleven t1_j2z9ofl wrote
She's not a hypocrite, she's a psychopath. She straight up said, "Yeah, I did it. Fuck him."
[deleted] t1_j2zakk8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2zbomq wrote
Brandwin3 t1_j2zcgtp wrote
So you are telling me she witnessed her “friend” be a victim of domestic violence and waited over 30 fucking years to tell anyone and only decides to tell people because she is angry at the guy for not playing her son in a soccer tournament. Idk why anyone is taking this seriously. No matter what happened, we are so far past the situation everyone involved have to be completely different people. Shit I am 21 and can’t believe some of the shit I thought and did when I was 18
GucciGecko t1_j2zdis1 wrote
Yea I lost a lot of respect for their family. After Gio did what he did most people just chalked it up to his youth and immaturity but with parents like that...enablers much?
The families were also previously close, Claudio was Gregg's best man at his wedding and had talked about how they were still very good friends recently. Their decades long friendship ended over this.
effthatguy85 t1_j2zdtyk wrote
So,she wanted her son to play because their families were friends 🤢 this is exactly why the US will NEVER win a World Cup. Downvote me if you want,but the rich will always play gatekeeper for their friends and family.
[deleted] t1_j2zdw5y wrote
asimplerandom t1_j2zec8f wrote
I don’t know why but this story has really pissed the ever living shit out of me. I sincerely hope her husband loses his job and that they both get bitten in the ass by karma 1000 times over. Fuck both of those worthless pieces of shit.
jgiffin t1_j2zfdlg wrote
>In response to Berhalter's characterization of the events, Danielle Reyna said, "Without going into detail, the statements from yesterday significantly minimize the abuse on the night in question. Rosalind Berhalter was my roommate, teammate and best friend, and I supported her through the trauma that followed.
This is gross. What kind of sick person leverages her friend’s trauma 30 years later because her son didn’t get enough playing time?
Gio deserved to be on the field, but damn his parents are awful.
syrstorm t1_j2zgm82 wrote
I don't want Berhalter back, but to weaponize domestic abuse for retaliation in a grudge like this is SO gross.
renegaderelish t1_j2zhn39 wrote
You are right to judge this situation harshly but bro this is absolutely on-brand for the international soccer scene.
Check out the drama in the French squad...and they got to the fucking final.
IIIllllIIlllIIlllIIl t1_j2zjyws wrote
In a country of 300 million we couldn’t find any better striker than the son of one of the former mediocre team members.
It’s a farce.
IIIllllIIlllIIlllIIl t1_j2zkpqp wrote
It goes to show how corrupted US Soccer is. In its current state my kids have no chance at making the national team even if they had the skill unless we are connected to management somehow. That doesn’t even account for the tens of thousands of dollars to play club soccer to get to that point. Only to be cut because we aren’t best friends with someone in bed with US Soccer. It stinks.
effthatguy85 t1_j2zmgxr wrote
Lmao, thank you for this.
AvatarAarow1 t1_j2zp9s9 wrote
I mean Gio absolutely should’ve been playing, he’s one of the most talented players we’ve got, but yeah his mom is psycho for all this
Naulamarad t1_j2zr7qw wrote
A. Gio isn’t a striker. B. Gio is one of the best players in the pool.
itsallgoodman2002 t1_j2zsih1 wrote
Lol had the same thought. Wonder how the kid grew up to be an entitled sh!t.
Seahawk715 t1_j2zuxku wrote
No, I agree. 😂 I never said this was unique to the US, but when they’re struggling to gain top tier relevancy this is the LAST thing they need to be dealing with.
teacher_comp t1_j2zxezx wrote
If it did happen, she should be charged for protecting an abuser for decades.
DrDig1 t1_j2zxq9k wrote
Kind of torn on this, probably due to a lack of knowledge of Reyna's ability.
The kid acted selfish and immature at the WC due to a perceived slight of playing time.
The coach absolutely screwed up when he threw the player under the bus AFTER it was dealt with in house. Sounds like he should have played the kid more.
The parents of player should not be involved and should piss off for life.
The strangest part is how the families were so close and then all this occurred. Sounds like the coach tried to give a hard lesson to a kid he knew and it snowballed. Fast.
TheFoxandTheSandor t1_j2zzy1j wrote
Sucks that a parent would do that, but hey, maybe we will get a good coach. Berhalter is not what we need
[deleted] t1_j300qno wrote
silviazbitch t1_j302txj wrote
>Claudio was Gregg's best man at his wedding
Just let that sink in.
DCilantro t1_j302ypf wrote
Me too. It makes my blood boil. I hope their son never gets another call up.
DCilantro t1_j303n5o wrote
Apparently he has a bad attitude and is lazy at training. Jude Bellingham said he was the same at dortmund. Seeing how his parents are it wouldn't surprise me if he's got a bad attitude.
[deleted] t1_j303otv wrote
DCilantro t1_j303u5w wrote
Talented doesn't always mean better in a team sport.
DCilantro t1_j304fp8 wrote
There is no good guy in this, but there is a clear side that is more shitty, and that's the Reynas. Weaponizing someone else's traumatic experience after 30 years of not saying a word for your own personal vendetta? That's really gross.
[deleted] t1_j3056d4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j307iyd wrote
[deleted] t1_j3082fc wrote
[deleted] t1_j309263 wrote
Eye_am_Eye t1_j3096bq wrote
Mommy got pissed because her little boy was not put on the field. What a bitch. Probably one of those nightmare soccer moms who demanded participation trophies.
Naulamarad t1_j309omy wrote
That’s not responsive to either of my points.
_distortedmorals t1_j30c7lp wrote
I'd be embarrassed if I was Gio. As if the us soccer federation wasn't taken seriously by big teams already.
throwawayoregon12 t1_j30hc4d wrote
With parents like that, it's no wonder why Gio acted incredibly selfish and entitled. Are you surprised? I'm not.
TackyBrad t1_j30i52c wrote
Technically you did say Gio is the best in the pool, so the responder saying talent =/= best in a team sport could be a proper argument to that point - that's only if the minor assumptions made there (namely by best you mean most talented) are accurate.
Anyway, just figured I'd hopefully help clarify where everyone was coming from. Cheers
Naulamarad t1_j30l3uk wrote
No I didn’t.
Phree44 t1_j30le9m wrote
Mommy to the rescue! Poor Claudio will never live this down
yolonaggins t1_j30rbsr wrote
I don't think he deserved to play at all. His attitude and lack of effort reportedly angered his teammates to the point that they were mad over the 52 minutes he did get.
[deleted] t1_j30vcna wrote
[deleted] t1_j30xx3l wrote
LloydDoyley t1_j30zlwb wrote
This is America in a nutshell
CCSC96 t1_j310g87 wrote
Berhalter addressed Gio’s behavior issues after because the Reyna’s used their media tied to keep the “why didn’t Gio play more” stories running. It was an open question that was going to hang over the players until it was answered. Christian and Adams and McKinnie were going to be randomly asked about it after club games. It’s better to kill it off and move on than to still have it be a sideshow in two years.
CCSC96 t1_j310oij wrote
IDK Pefok is obviously starting to score at the club level but in the friendlies he got he looked like he didn’t even know how to kick a ball. Some players just don’t adapt to the national team game. It’s slightly different.
I also don’t think you can just never answer the Gio question. It would still be a distraction in two years if you don’t air it now. Reynas had media allies publicly attacking Gregg. It’s pretty clear to the rest of the press what’s happening and they’re going to hound until they get an answer.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_j312b1c wrote
Well at least we know where is son gets his attitude from
[deleted] t1_j318u19 wrote
Pontokyo t1_j319rci wrote
RunningDude90 t1_j31a7wp wrote
So Gio pissed off all his teammates so much they’re annoyed he even played…then this happens.
Can’t help but feel he is going to be in a similar position to Benzema, and not included for character reasons.
Unfortunately he has played for the US Senior team too often now to change allegiances.
[deleted] t1_j31biwq wrote
False equivalency and blackmail really. They reconciled, got married, and have multiple children now.
Jimmychui t1_j31br0d wrote
Reminds me the LaVar Ball situation
Moosealicious t1_j31h5kx wrote
Nah, what’s gross is being a piece of shit domestic abuser who physically assaults their partner.
[deleted] t1_j31irqx wrote
[deleted] t1_j31lang wrote
r3gam t1_j31m9f2 wrote
Being injury prone and a asshole with toxic reps is one good way to stall your career.
I was listening to a podcast last month and it was put to a vote to his teammates whether he should stay or be sent home from Qatar and it was almost 50/50. Yikes, that much of the squad dislikes you
hytes0000 t1_j31o2z9 wrote
Multiple things can be bad at the same time.
cagonzalez321 t1_j31qkb0 wrote
You realize he got counseling and they are married now?
[deleted] t1_j31sazv wrote
HypeTrainEngineer t1_j31tab6 wrote
Yeah he's not even good
r3gam t1_j31thzr wrote
At the minimum not good enough to get away with it
Moosealicious t1_j31tibi wrote
Getting counseling doesn’t erase the fact that he beat his partner, and plenty of abused spouses stay with their abuser. He’s a piece of shit, plain and simple.
[deleted] t1_j31uyfw wrote
philodendrin t1_j31vl2w wrote
What a simmering stew of toxic personalities. No wonder the US can't make a decent run in the World Cup, they are too busy cutting each other off at the knees. What happened to the concept of the greater good of the team, sacrifice and doing whats best for everyone instead of trying to advance your own agenda?!
All these past relationships that are intertwined seem like Nepotism with extra steps and favoritism.
TrappsRightFoot t1_j31w7jq wrote
He kicked her in the leg one time when they were 18 and arguing while drunk. He sought counseling on his own after being honest with their families about what happened and they have now been back together for 30 fucking years.
If we can't forgive people for mistakes they made decades ago that they clearly regret and worked to reconcile then what the fuck are we doing as a society?
WarpedCore t1_j31zot1 wrote
You do realize that Berhalter addressed this as an anonymous player. He never 'threw him under the bus' as you stated it. If a player at the highest level, in the biggest tournament on the planet is half-assing it in preparation, the player doesn't deserve a spot on the roster.
Gio is the one that came out and confirmed it was he that the coach was speaking of. If he kept his mouth shut, all of this may not have transgressed to this soap opera of shitty parents and 30 year old personal history. Danielle Egan is a cold, cold witch.
The Reyna family can go away now. Forever.
whatyouwant5 t1_j32103x wrote
Christian pulisic or Roldan?
greektrees55 t1_j323yge wrote
Laughs in Veronique Rabiot
[deleted] t1_j328j7a wrote
timeIsAllitTakes t1_j32c3ng wrote
Also the Reyna's started this whole mess by saying Reyna wasn't injured and there was more to his lack of playing time. GGG gave him an out and he didn't take it. Now this makes Gio look less like a dumb kid that made an oops in camp but part of a family where this is a systemic problem
[deleted] t1_j32e062 wrote
suicidegrips t1_j32kqar wrote
Plays pretty regularly for one of the best clubs in Europe so…
HypeTrainEngineer t1_j32l3id wrote
.... there 6th in the fucking Bundesliga... so....
cagonzalez321 t1_j32m12f wrote
No it doesn’t, but the fact that they have been married for 30 years speaks to fact something changed in him AND his wife forgave him. We need to be able to move on from the past…especially if a person has changed their behavior. Our recidivism rate maybe much lower if we could do that.
suicidegrips t1_j32x1sp wrote
What? There 6th? Where 6th? I don’t understand
WarpedCore t1_j32z0gw wrote
Yep. Gio is seen as a very elitist-type now. Who in their right mind would ever trust him as a teammate?
The USMNT needs some fixing, and since it's a young team, one can only hope that the changes do not effect the build up of quality. Starts with Gio never seeing a roster spot ever again. I don't care how talented he is. He burned this bridge with thermite.
HypeTrainEngineer t1_j331407 wrote
In their league... youre done.
suarezj9 t1_j333lgt wrote
I might be exaggerating (or maybe not) but I really hope no coach ever calls Reyna up again.
GucciGecko t1_j33iuix wrote
Thanks, I didn't get a chance to watch the friendlies. Did he get a chance to start any or was he a late sub with limited playing time?
I agree about Gregg not being able to sidestep the Gio question. There were some signs of something going on when he was asked about it at the WC and he said something along the lines of Gio was injured and his fitness level wasn't back.
Gio responded publicly saying it wasn't true. I thought it was odd at the time but now it all makes sense. The Reynas took it too far leaking what they did about Gregg, I wonder how likely it was that the USMNT would've kept Gregg as coach. There were plenty of fans/analysts criticizing his coaching and tactics saying we needed a new coach to progress.
Maybe the Reynas felt he would be kept and leaked the incident?
[deleted] t1_j2ybxw2 wrote