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[deleted] t1_j3nhscq wrote



WastelandHound t1_j3nrg3c wrote

This is such a laughable take. Why did he touch another team's player? Because he was doing his job.

Who cares what team the player he touched is on? Makes no difference at all. Quay was in his way. He gently moved him out of the way so he could do his damn job and got a two-hand shove to the back.

It's a lack of even the most fundamental situational awareness on Quay's part. He reacted like a spoiled toddler.


[deleted] t1_j3nt3h0 wrote



FloridaManTPA t1_j3nmdhq wrote

Unwritten rule that all players see the upside of, “when I’m on the ground I want my trainer hauling ass to get to me”.
And a shove that moves someone is physically very different than a shove to hurt someone


cerialthriller t1_j3o02hh wrote

This is the take that comes from the kinda people who start shooting when they feel “disrespected”. Like really, you think the appropriate reaction is to attack a medical trainer who tried to guide someone out of the way who was blocking and injured player. The trainer didn’t do anything that could even be accidentally construed as aggressive, he touched his arm to get around him because he was being an idiot and blocking staff from an injured opponent. Not to mention this is the second time this season this moron got an ejection for hitting staff. How can anyone defend this shit


supercleverhandle476 t1_j3nso5p wrote

Person A’s career is to play with a ball.

Person B’s career is to lend immediate aid in case of emergency.

If person A is preventing person B from doing their job, that is a person A problem.


thegonzojoe t1_j3nu9q8 wrote

Because that other team’s player had no business gawking over the pile to begin with. FOH 🤡🤡🤡