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FergaliciousDef t1_j3o56ch wrote

Dumb impulsive decisions like physically harming someone??


ArtistWhoStarves t1_j3okw07 wrote

Dude. If you think those shoves hurt them at all, I don't know what to tell you. The worst part about it is it was a person on the medical staff just trying to help his injured player. You can't get in the way of that. Nice glass house you live in.


Str1fer t1_j3ochay wrote

Get off your high horse. It was a push, not a punch. What he did was wrong and unsportsmanlike but nothing more. Now if he took a swing at the guy, that would be another story. Either way the guy needs to work on his mental game sooner rather than later, so it doesn't turn into something worse than a small push.

If you saw the whole video, you can clearly see in the tunnel that he regrets his actions and having a 'nice' talk with himself.


LividLager t1_j3oe0bc wrote

The guy he pushed was trying to attend to an injured player. Fuck that dude.


Pushmonk t1_j3oi2s8 wrote

Guess what? Pushing someone can cause injuries. Just because it didn't doesn't make it okay. He was punished and felt bad that he got punished and will lose money. He doesn't care about the fact that he pushed a medical worker tending to an injured player.


ArtistWhoStarves t1_j3ol2da wrote

He doesn't? Did you ask him? You're building a narrative about someone you have never met.


Pushmonk t1_j3om6rv wrote

Usually people don't push people if they immediately will feel bad about it after. Unless, of course, you are five years old. This guy is an adult. But please continue to defend his actions because he cried later.


ArtistWhoStarves t1_j3omgmj wrote

I can't explain it any further to you. Just try to empathize and understand more instead of immediately hating and writing people off.


Pushmonk t1_j3omzoz wrote

I find it very difficult to "empathize" with someone who pushes medical personnel for doing their job because they brushed against them.

Maybe he'll put you on his payroll for carrying all this water for him. I'm sure he's been reading all of your comments.


Look_to_the_Stars t1_j3oxxn9 wrote

So are you.


ArtistWhoStarves t1_j3oyi6e wrote

I'm holding certain judgement because I don't know him. All I've said is the truth. Dude has made a few mistakes. As far as I know he has been on the nationional stage for 1000s of snaps and these 2 instances do not paint a complete picture.


omarade2 t1_j3old02 wrote

Gonna be hard for him to work on his mental game when he scored an 8 on the wonderlic. His test scores and behavior suggest he has the mental maturity of a child and to be honest, he probably shouldn’t be playing in the nfl because he’s going to hurt himself Or someone else.


Brandon48236 t1_j3onck9 wrote

Give credit where credit is due. He scored a 9 on the wonderlic.