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sdurs t1_j3pvij5 wrote

Ever seen a child throw a tantrum because they were told to go to timeout? They cry, usually hit or throw something, and sulk all the way to timeout.This is the EXACT reaction you get from a child in that situation, like literally every emotion he emits in the tunnel is literally what a child going to timeout would do. Although, a child doesn't usually articulate their wrongdoings very transparently in an apology, which this player did, so I will at least acknowledge that.


WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3pxqf5 wrote

Walking down the tunnel it looks like he says “Why did I do that? Fuck!” Regardless though it was obvious he knew he fucked up, he wasn’t mad at the referee who threw him out.


sdurs t1_j3pydh7 wrote

Kids do the same thing


WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3pyow5 wrote

Bro is 22 years old. I’m 25 and if you showed me video of some of the dumb shit I did 3 years ago I would hate myself for weeks. One year ago almost to the day he was playing the COLLEGE football championship. He’s an “adult”, but not really. That doesn’t excuse his actions, but with his apology there’s an obvious desire to improve and you have to respect that.


sdurs t1_j3pytyi wrote

Yeah I acknowledged his apology in my initial comment


[deleted] t1_j3tyme0 wrote

He said the same shit the FIRST time this happened.


PM_ME_OVERT_SIDEBOOB t1_j3ufqx6 wrote

College students aren’t children. Former college students most definitely aren’t.


boombotser t1_j3tmfs2 wrote

I’m 24, you sound dumb as hell if one of my friends was crying like a little bitch about anything I’d have to stop communicating with them


[deleted] t1_j3wmicy wrote



boombotser t1_j3xbh7y wrote

Grown ass man, the last time any one I know cried like that we were probably 15


WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3xm7o3 wrote

Lmao crying doesn’t make you weak, but keep up that “alpha male” attitude behind your phone screen weirdo.


Rawesome16 t1_j3r557l wrote

And I had my daughter at 20 and had to grow up.

Don't give me age as an exuse when North of 20. I don't accept it


WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3r71e1 wrote

He’s living a different life than you. Sorry you couldn’t wrap it up properly and had a child that forced you to mature. Hope your daughter is doing well, and I hope that when she is 22 and makes a mistake you will help her.


Rawesome16 t1_j3r7bsd wrote

What difference does his life make? 20 and over need to buck up and be adults. He is an immature little boy

Did you see the video of him leaving the stadium? If not we don't have much to talk about


WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3r7wze wrote

He was mad at himself, as he should’ve been. He wasn’t cussing out the referee’s.

Did you see his public apology on Twitter? Did you see that he reached out to the Lions’ trainer on his own and apologized to him directly? If not then we don’t have much to talk about.


Rawesome16 t1_j3r8nn4 wrote

Did you watch his body language? It was that of a kid knowing they messed up and throwing a private temper tantrum. How his shoulders were slumped, how he walker, how he hit the wall, how he did that fist shake thing that sometimes comes with a foot stomp (he didn't stomp his foot though).

He was throwing a temper tantrum yes, he was mad at himself and that shows maturity, but save the tantrum for the locker room and away from cameras


WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3tke68 wrote

“kid knowing they messed up” no shit. He was in the tunnel, he didn’t take his shirt off and throw up peace signs to the crowd bro.


Rawesome16 t1_j3tlm10 wrote

Your back on this? Why do I care? He is an immature little bitch.

End of story for me. Nothing your say will change that opinion, so why waste your or my time?


mavajo t1_j3sfpzv wrote

Kids are crying because they're mad they got in trouble. Quay was crying because he realized he fucked up and was distraught over it.

It's a huge difference.


sdurs t1_j3sgn98 wrote

Those are literally interchangeable things. You could switch quays name for kids and it would be the exact same.


mavajo t1_j3shpvw wrote

No, they're not interchangeable. One shows accountability, the other doesn't. If you can't tell the difference there then you're not equipped to have this conversation.


sdurs t1_j3siazj wrote

What accountability are you referring to? Mouthing words in a tunnel? Or crying because you were caught doing something wrong?


mavajo t1_j3sjq1b wrote

It was obvious to anyone with emotional intelligence that he was breaking down because he was mad at himself for making a stupid mistake - not because he was mad at being punished. And that was confirmed when he stated that exact thing in his apology.

If you can't tell the difference between those two things, that's your problem, not mine. And it would also be kind of ironic, since you're criticizing Walker for his emotional immaturity while you're right there with him.


sdurs t1_j3sk0gx wrote

I don't think someone who takes personal digs at someone during discourse should be lecturing in maturity. Not once have I made this about you


mavajo t1_j3tounu wrote

Your emotional maturity is germane to your ability to evaluate and interpret the emotions of others.


PeterSagansLaundry t1_j3siiob wrote

Being mad at yourself for fucking up is the literal opposite of being mad at someone else because you got caught.


FrisbeeDuckWing t1_j3s49j9 wrote

I haven't seen a child push an athletic medic before. So in that sense, children are better.