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Scazza95 t1_j433vy9 wrote

It's the right move by CA.

I'm just baffled that the ICC haven't stepped in at all when it clearly states that in order to be a test playing nation, you must have a women's team.


agathagrey t1_j439sw9 wrote

This exactly. I can only assume the Taliban keep saying they a reviewing it.

Edit: spelling


TheLostwandering t1_j43dcit wrote

Before the Taliban takeover, the ACB at least was making nosies about a women's team which allowed them to be full members. The moment the Taliban went no women's sport the ICC should of taken away the full membership.

If the ICC had any balls this wouldnt of been CA problem.


middyonline t1_j43va7c wrote

Sounds about right. They are currently using the "we are reviewing women being employed" to try and get the NGOs to start working again.