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_NotMitetechno_ t1_j44vhka wrote

It's hard to gauge how much people want something under an oppressive regime. People should have the freedom to choose whether they want to live that lifestyle not be entirely forced into living it.


Truand2labiffle t1_j45keq9 wrote

This does not only apply to oppressive regimes... All our life is conditioned by unmovable forces. What you call freedom is just an illusion of a choice, this feeling than in this liberal world you're a master of your own destiny, but it's a lie

Check out my boy spinoza he ll explain it better


_NotMitetechno_ t1_j4emc1a wrote

No shit. But in the "Liberal world" most women have the choice on being a mother who stays at home, a worker or a mixture of both. I don't believe that the western world is truly "free" but no society will enable complete freedom due to the nature of living in a society.