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wmciner1 t1_j4ntwjk wrote

Should have been done before the tournament started


downonthesecond t1_j4owe2i wrote

Are these players pro-invasion or something? Sounds like it's the fans with the flags.

Anyways, Tennis Australia is a private organization.


mrSemantix t1_j4p2oo5 wrote

Average blyat potato head is not able to buy court side tickets half way across the globe. Is rich potato waving flag. Fuck them, make them feel like potato non grata, doesn’t matter what their state media poops out.


bx35 t1_j4p4em3 wrote

But not Novak?


wagdog84 t1_j4p5kl9 wrote

I agree if they have already banned the Russian and Belarusian players, there is no reason to wave those flags other than politics.


TopCheesecakeGirl t1_j4pphf3 wrote

They should just ban all flags and everybody plays on the same team!


Rahiya t1_j4pr4uz wrote

Why only the flags???


AhoyShitLiner2 t1_j4psg34 wrote

I don’t agree with this. It’s something they would do, we have to be better. I stand with Ukraine, however how can you tell seemingly innocent civilian players from waving their own flag while they compete for their country. Beliefs aside it’s a given right


saltywelder682 t1_j4q082v wrote

This is silly. Plus, the article is pretty clunky. Was this written by a bot?


AgentlemanNeverTells t1_j4q9ufx wrote

Am I wrong, or is this not a good thing at all? Imo it’s just helping Russian propaganda. I get it people got feelings and want to feel like they’re doing their part, but I kinda feel like the way you fight propaganda is putting out a message like we don’t support the war at all, but the Russian people have no control over the situation and we will allow them to use the flag to represent the people. Something to that effect.


[deleted] t1_j4qft34 wrote

Did they ban any of NATO’s flags when they invaded Irag?


EternamD t1_j4qi81k wrote

Ban all flags please and thank you.


Beneficial_Emu9299 t1_j4r1553 wrote

Those guys look combat ready. They must be really rich or don’t live in Russia anymore.


dev-saint t1_j4r1vvu wrote

Ban the fucking Russian players. I’m a huge tennis fan and a fan of many Russian players. Take a damn position and stance. Most of the Russian players live in Florida anyway. Motivate them to emigrate to the Us or Europe. Let Russia lose their talent on a world stage.


crowd79 t1_j4r5o33 wrote

Like not allowing Russian flags will affect anything. Don’t let them play. Cancel culture is alive and well.


The_Govnor t1_j4rbcap wrote

There is no way those guys are there (with the shirts and flags) without the intention of provoking people.