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MettaWorldPeece t1_j50zv4w wrote

Do 49ers/Cowboys fans really view each other as rivals?


philthebrewer t1_j512t2s wrote

Meh, I am biased as a Seahawks fan but this just doesn’t seem like a rivalry anymore.


k2t-17 t1_j513955 wrote

You have to be 40+ or a total geek of either team to see this rivalry. That's actually a lot of fans though.


JustaJamJar t1_j515ryy wrote

As a niners fan I had no idea cowboys were our rivals? I always assumed it was the raiders but I guess it just isn’t the same anymore when we’re not forced to share the bay


dont_worry_im_here t1_j516r23 wrote

Has a team ever won the Super Bowl with a QB younger than the college natty champ QB?

Looks like there are 3 starting QBs in the playoffs that are all younger than Stetson.

Just curious.


plsnfrd t1_j517fzi wrote

Hasn’t been a rivalry since the mid 90s. But this game will reignite the rivalry for a whole new generation of fans. We got them last year. Let’s see what happens this year.


schroedingersnewcat t1_j5180mr wrote

When I was a kid (in the late 80s early 90s) it was absolutely a thing. I recall a game in the early 90s where multiple players were ejected for a fight that broke out on the field.

It was like watching the Ravens and Bengals play now.

That said, I grew up in Chicago, so my 2 favorite teams are the Bears and whomever is currently beating the living snot out of Green Bay. I felt like a traitor 2 weeks ago uttering the phrase "Go Lions".


olafminesaw t1_j518hn5 wrote

Roethlisberger was the youngest QB to win the superbowl, at 23. But his birthday is March 2nd, so he was nearly 24. Vince young won the championship that year and was two months older.

Edit: Vince was a year younger, so to answer your question, yes it would be a first


CornWallacedaGeneral t1_j519ila wrote

Yeah 3 decades ago lmao....the fact they emphasized the number of faceoffs between these two when the cowshits only went to the playoffs like 3 times in 27 years....😂🤦🏽


zlaw32 t1_j519vam wrote

I agree. I think people saying this game will ignite the rivalry for the younger generation are wrong. Currently 28 and I had no idea this was a rivalry. It’s been too long. The younger NFL fans won’t have any idea that this is a rivalry unless it happens again and again like it did back in the day


limpnoads t1_j51euv0 wrote

Before last year, the last time they played, was in 94', this isn't a rivalry 🤣


konorM t1_j51gote wrote

America's team? What bull!


Mallee78 t1_j51gss5 wrote

its one of those fan rivalries that no one on the teams currently really cares about, they might be aware of the history but without playing them all that often its hard to have a rivalry


k2t-17 t1_j51jdtz wrote

I dunno. Rivalries are kinda dead between players. Social media, mega sports agencies, and the fact they've almost all played on teams or offseason workouts together has killed it. Some players have specific beef but it's not usually because of the color of their jerseys.


grahamcracker3 t1_j51k47k wrote

41 year old Niners fan here: I am loathe of Pretty Boy Carroll and the Seahawks, but I am rooting for them whenever they play the Cowboys. There will never be a sports hate as pure and distilled as we have toward Big D. Hell, as a Syracuse alum I'd sooner root for Georgetown.


DumbestBoy t1_j51m5d4 wrote

I was at both NFC Championships in SF. Those were great times.


TicketP1_FIRE t1_j51m8lr wrote

💯 those 3 consecutive title matchups were basically the super bowl. Everyone knew that the winning team would win the Super Bowl. We don't really have multiple dominant teams like that anymore, much more parity these days.

Also the last of the three title matchups is the game that Troy Aikman / Michael Irvin have said they're most proud of in their professional careers. Cowboys actually lost that game but fought like hell to climb out of a huge early deficit.


ResetPress t1_j51mgdf wrote

Amazing all the young bucks out here who don’t consider the niners and cowboys rivals


Actionjack7 t1_j51mv6e wrote

Cowboys played great against Tampa Bay. What dominance.

They are now due to lay their playoff egg.


hikenmap t1_j51nps3 wrote

I remember the cowboy/49er championship games in the 90s being even more exciting than the Super Bowls.


minneapple79 t1_j51q77f wrote

Yup, growing up in the ‘80s and ‘90s this was a huge rivalry. They played in a bunch of NFC championship games. The Catch, Jimmy Johnson’s “how bout them Cowboys” speech. When I saw this matchup come up it was like reliving my childhood all over again. I showed my 8-year-old nephew the video of The Catch and he’s been trying to recreate it in his living room much to his mother’s dismay (although it might be better than the usual catch he tries to recreate, which is Justin Jefferson’s catch against the Bills).


Larkshade t1_j51rehp wrote

I'm always down for 49ers / Cowboys games. Hate ya, Cowboys, but not as much as Seattle. <3


Mhansen1717 t1_j51rqz2 wrote

I’m a 36 year old Cowboy fan that is die hard and grew up in the Bay and has gotten shitty Niner fans talking shit to me for as long as I remember and still don’t have that much hate. Glad the Cowboys still live rent free in your head. It’d probably be different if the Niners were good enough to be the “team of the 90’s”


505whiteboy t1_j51txcv wrote

Uh, that’s the point. They were only a rivalry before because of meeting in the playoffs 7 times before last year. 6 of them came in streaks (70,71,72 and 92,93,94) is what fueled it. The fact they you weren’t even a dirty thought yet is irrelevant.


zlaw32 t1_j51ubnk wrote

What exactly is the point?

I don’t think our age is irrelevant. If the younger generations of NFL fans are unaware of those playoff games and don’t think about it as a rivalry then this 1 playoff game isn’t going to reignite some rivalry in the fans. And our youth is exactly the reason for that.


adm_akbar t1_j51vvqn wrote

It's been so long since we had any real games, I wouldn't call them a rival anymore. I would argue that our last real rivals were the Seahawks like 6 years ago.


zlaw32 t1_j51y0nq wrote

So you were around at the time the rivalry was going on? Congrats. That’s beside my point. For people who were not around at that time, this singular game will not reignite the rivalry


Doggleganger t1_j522pvx wrote

I don't think it will reignite the rivalry. That only happens when it's between top teams. Back in the 1990s, the winner of Dallas vs. SF would win the SB. More recently, you have rivalries between top teams like Pats-Colts (with Brady/Manning), or maybe now Chiefs-Bengals. But there isn't the same feel here. Maybe if Dallas wins, but I suspect this game won't be very competitive (SF seems like the far better team), which means no rivalry.


Onespokeovertheline t1_j524v6l wrote

The heat has faded some, but yes. Views may vary slightly on the order (probably where to place the Rams in either era), but I think this is about right.

49ers top 5 rivalries (as of 2023, including residual historic beefs):

  • Seahawks
  • Packers
  • Rams
  • Giants
  • Cowboys

If you made that list in 2000:

  • Cowboys
  • Packers
  • Giants
  • Rams
  • Broncos

LolitsPing t1_j527so1 wrote

In the under 35 crowd, no animosity towards the Cowboys, just their fanbase for being obnoxious in general.

For the under 35 Niners crowd, the main rivalry is definitely with the Seahawks. Sorry, the Bitch Pigeons.


cocainesupernova t1_j5280j5 wrote

there was an infographic showing all their stats. as far as they go, the only difference is the that Dallas has a better pass defense and San Fran has a better run defense. Their offenses are both prolific, and both of their defenses are elite. it's going to be a classic


Doggleganger t1_j52cidi wrote

Brady and Purdy have one thing in common: both were thrown into the game on exceptionally good teams and were not asked to carry the team. In Brady's first years, that Pats defense was elite, and he wasn't asked to air it out like he did in later years. Purdy is in a similar situation. SF has one of the most stacked rosters in the league. It's got elite receivers, running game, defense, coaching. SF has it all. Purdy is the weak point, but he's not asked to do too much, and he's been good so far.


Sildar_Hallwinter t1_j52dz9k wrote

I mean, Kurt Warner went undrafted and literally had a movie about him called “American Underdog”.

But as a 49er fan, I hope Purdy wins it all and they make a movie about him called “Relevant: The Brock Purdy Story”. Just don’t make it a Christian propaganda film like the Kurt Warner movie.


mypostisbad t1_j52ek2g wrote

Probably depends on your age.

I'm a 9ers fan that suffered through 4 straight years of meetings in the playoffs and only 1 win. Those 3 rings Aikman has, while well deserved, could very easily have been claimed by Young and the 9ers.

You don't forget that. Those games turned on fine margins and it's a lot more of a bitter pill to swallow when you know you're a great team but there's another, very, very, very slightly better team blocking your road.


pileofbile t1_j52fks2 wrote

Let’s go 49ers!!! Sincerely, An Eagles fan


sqwertymcgwerty t1_j52qbah wrote

Hell I’m a 37 year old Cowboys fan and there’s nobody I hate more than the Eagles. I’d cheer for the 9ers before I cheer for them. I hope their entire team crumbles year after year. We’ll see how I feel after this weekend though


UnverifiedGod t1_j5326oh wrote

Dallas has QB that has been in the league for 8 years. He had his best game in playoffs last week against a weak Bucs defense. Purdy still had better stats than Prescott in his first playoff game as a rookie. Niners by 30


Giannatorchia t1_j532hqf wrote

Both teams are playing really well and came off great wins this past week


ALC_PG t1_j537ovs wrote

>I recall a game in the early 90s where multiple players were ejected for a fight that broke out on the field.

Even in 2000 when both teams were kinda meh and hadn't faced off in the playoffs in years, we had the hilarious T.O./George Teague theatrics


[deleted] t1_j53ali1 wrote

The greatest game John and Pat ever called was at the Stick, and it must have been a blowout because I don't know why else they'd give five minutes of airtime for it during the game.

John cut to the sea lions at Pier 39, and was using the yellow pen to mark how one sea lion would get shoved off the dock, but swim around this way or that way and jump back on, and shove someone else off the dock. And Pat characteristically humored him. For five minutes, I'm telling you. It was fantastic.


unskilledplay t1_j53btwj wrote

From the Cowboy perspective:

In the under 35 crowd, no animosity towards the Niners, just their fanbase for being obnoxious in general.

For the under 35 Cowboys crowd, the main rivalry is definitely with the Cowboys. Sorry, the Cowpies. (Yes, Dez caught it and Romo doesn't deserve the slander.)


ImCrossland t1_j53cyjp wrote

As a lifelong Cowboys fan (27) how can you be a rival to anyone when you literally always lose? We can be rivals with the Commies because they never win either but damn can we win one more time in my life?? I was still shitting myself the first time it happened and I will probably shit myself again if I ever live to see the day we win another one.


guff1988 t1_j53m151 wrote

That's like the year the Colts beat the Patriots in the AFC championship game. Then they went on to beat the bears in a rainy game that no one really fucking remembers, except for Prince everyone remembers Prince in the rain.


starkmatic t1_j53nego wrote

9ers gonna crush the cowgirls this time


DJ33 t1_j53z8qg wrote

Even as a Colts fan, all I remember about that game was Hester running back the opening kickoff for a TD.

Because we all went "I can't believe we beat the Patriots just to fuck up against this awful Bears team."

Luckily, the Bears were exactly as bad as we thought they were.


out2seeagain t1_j5488v5 wrote

I moved into a rented industrial warehouse in Dallas two days before Super Bowl XXVII - Dallas Cowboys vs. Buffalo Bills - January 31st, 1993. It was a Friday afternoon the day I took the lease for the 3000 sf warehouse on the edge of Dallas and Las Colinas. I signed the contract, got the keys, as I was leaving the office, the building owner informed me that teakwood pool furniture was stored in the back corner of the building, and that someone would be by Monday morning to pick it up, he also said that the furniture belonged to Troy Aikman, and the chairs had just been stripped and reconditioned. I told him that Monday would be fine to pick them up and not to worry about them being there until Monday. I left his office pretending not be excited that Aikman’s pool furniture will be in my house during the Super Bowl. (I lived there for six months, threw raves and rented space to my art director friends.) Needless to say we watched the game in Aikman’s chairs.


Terrible-Weird-9463 t1_j54rnby wrote

If anyone interested in fixed matches, they can dm me. i have a contact and proofs


Unique_the_Vision t1_j54s2zf wrote

Somehow, every team the Cowboys play is a rival lol

I’m nervous this will be a repeat of the last time we faced the Niners, but I’m optimistic. If Parsons can really make some noise on defense, the rest of the defensive line should eat well.

Also, Dak is going to have to get it going early on. My dude gets lost if he doesn’t start to put it together at some point early in the game.


CannibalAnn t1_j54y0ab wrote

I remember that game because I was living in Japan and my grandmother was a huge Tory Aikman fan. Since Super Bowl Sunday in the states was early Monday, my grandmother made us stay home from school to watch it. I didn’t remember the outcome, I remember being super excited because I wasn’t at school.


NumberVsAmount t1_j553gy2 wrote

I can’t wait until Drop Thurdy continues to play like this long enough that this L of a take finally goes away. He’s undefeated for basically half of the season. His stats are the best of any qb over that stretch. Anybody who is actually watching has seen him make plays and show talent. If a high draft pick rookie qb did over the first 7 games of a season what bcb has done over these 7 people would be calling him a franchise qb. But because people can’t believe in mr. Irrelevant, he’s just a “system qb”.


Snacktivities t1_j55alpi wrote

The NFC is at its best when these two teams play in the playoffs.


I_Smoke_Dust t1_j57zmrg wrote

Also it's such an old, dated concept that Cowboys fans are obnoxious. We're not, we're beaten down inside with our souls crushed, through repetitive disappoinment and underachievement lol. It's the media that annoys the fuck out of everyone else when it comes to the Cowboys.


Onespokeovertheline t1_j582cly wrote

The brief period(s) when you've been good, we haven't been, except for like 1-2 years when the division was all competitive but we had no real grudge matches.

You're a team we don't much like, but don't really get emotional about. Might as well still be in the NFC East to older fans. Younger fans mostly think Larry Fitzgerald was great and Kyler Murray is exciting. That isn't a rivalry.


GarrisonJones t1_j5a2ls7 wrote

Raiders are an AFC squad that plays the 49ers once every 4 years or so. It's always been more of a turf war between bay area residents than the teams themselves. 49ers and Cowboys historically have had games with huge ramifications usually resulting in championships. Guessing you're a younger fan.