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MaleficentPurchase65 t1_j59ge9q wrote

And you know this how? Literally no details have come from anywhere. It could be worse, it could not be, why just spew shit out of your mouth?


swr3212 t1_j59js9s wrote

It's called deductive reasoning. Obviously you're already lacking in the "reasoning" department.


dray1214 t1_j59syex wrote

There really are a number of things that he could’ve done wrong. Op is 100% speculating and nothing else. This is ignorant to do.


MaleficentPurchase65 t1_j59kgq9 wrote

I could use deductive reasoning to say that he was simply accessing a university account he wasn’t supposed to. I could also use deductive reasoning to say he was on the internet doing something illegal. I could also use it to say he manipulated his own financial documents ahead of tax season. These are all scenarios being thrown around. Probably.


viridien104 t1_j59pkrm wrote

This doesn't sound like something Sherlock would go with so... doubt.