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Jonk3r t1_j57tqc2 wrote

Computer Access Crime? Did he watch porn on his University issues PC?


Der_andere_Baron t1_j57vd8p wrote

Probably a bit worse, or porn of an illegal nature. Watching generic porn on a university comouter is likely just a flagrant violation of an acceptable use policy (not necessarily criminal in nature).


SolaceAcheron t1_j57yxef wrote

We'll be better without him. Good riddance.


krkrich t1_j582hfr wrote

what the fuck are computer access crimes? child porn?


Andy-_1979 t1_j587z6v wrote

I'm guessing it's either porn or he was harassing someone.


ArcaneCharge t1_j58kdva wrote

FWIW, it’s been confirmed that the feds aren’t involved, so the really bad stuff is off the table. Most likely explanation is that he stole someone’s password and used their account without permission.


tyedge t1_j58uodz wrote

Access is the key word in this, if you’re trying to speculate as to what he did. My state has laws with stupid names that relate to accessing accounts, servers, databases etc without proper permissions or through someone else’s credentials. I’m sure Michigan has something similar. Given that there’s a very public rift between the AD and Harbaugh, I can’t help but wonder if this relates.


decoii t1_j58wzqm wrote

Sending Joke emails CC'ed to the entire campus


Wandering_Turtle24 t1_j58zva4 wrote

Hacked into Harbaugh’s Amazon account and canceled all of his khaki pants orders.


taxthepoor t1_j59cj8q wrote

Probably sent an email calling for the removal of the sexual assault honor statue on campus, and you know that would have ruffled some feathers.


trwawy05312015 t1_j59f461 wrote

Speaking as a university professor I find it hard to believe that would be possible. If it is, Michigan’s digital infrastructure is either really shitty or someone else would have needed to help him get access.


MaleficentPurchase65 t1_j59kgq9 wrote

I could use deductive reasoning to say that he was simply accessing a university account he wasn’t supposed to. I could also use deductive reasoning to say he was on the internet doing something illegal. I could also use it to say he manipulated his own financial documents ahead of tax season. These are all scenarios being thrown around. Probably.


moneyfink t1_j5a1ziq wrote

As a person who administers IT resources for a bunch of white collar workers who all have internet access at home and private cell phones, you'd be shocked by the amount of porn that is browsed on company managed devices on company networks. Our acceptable use policy states that users have no expectation of privacy when using company IT resources. Nonetheless here we are.


tipsup t1_j5a2t0m wrote

To justify terminating an employee (who makes over 1million) something of note happened here, this isn’t a policy violation.


ThatOtherOtherGuy3 t1_j5a3psa wrote

My guess is that he was downloading pics of Ohio State cheerleaders… a fireable offense at Michigan.


Key_Environment8179 t1_j5a626c wrote

Bruh I’ve seen four different speculative guesses on exactly what he did, and every comment criticizing the baseless speculation is downvoted. Stop with the wild guesses, guys. The facts will come out soon.


M_Mich t1_j5a97ua wrote

helped a coworker on a trip when their work iphone was trapped in one of the browser virus warnings where you can’t close the tab. he didn’t want to call IT. i related the number of stories our IT has told about finding porn on people’s pc. my favorite was one of the women would tell anyone about how a director had his naked wife as the windows background.


redliner88 t1_j5ae9rk wrote

My group chat is saying he must have retweeted a CJ Stroud tweet on a school computer


BowwwwBallll t1_j5afe7u wrote

I dunno man. I saw a documentary where a kid was able to change the number of unexcused absences on his record to avoid discipline. Then he grabbed his friend, his friend’s dad’s Ferrari, broke his girlfriend out of school, and went on some adventures.


Useful-ldiot t1_j5ahdju wrote

I don't know that that is entirely true. He's a football coach. He can be fired for just about anything.

We didn't score enough. Fired.

We didn't score fast enough. Fired.

We didn't score in this one, meaningful game. Fired.

We like another candidate more than you. Fired.

You suck at recruiting. Fired.

AFAIK, there has been a single wrongful termination suit in recent memory, and it was related to vaccines. I couldn't find any other cases.


bsherms t1_j5aobg6 wrote

He's being fired for cause. That's different. He won't be entitled to the rest of the money on his contract. Coaches that get fired for football reasons get a hefty buyout in most cases.


VHBlazer t1_j5apfsz wrote

Federal involvement isn’t necessarily an indicator of the severity of the crime. Someone at a previous school I went to got charged with a federal crime just for changing their grades with improper access to professors’ accounts.


RoadPersonal9635 t1_j5b0qpu wrote

Well if the feds aren’t involved Im gonna have to assume he stole an administrators password and was trying to alter players grades to keep them eligible.


deddogs t1_j5b14tr wrote

More will come, but this is extremely ambiguous.


SolaceAcheron t1_j5b2wr0 wrote

Him being co-offensive coordinator probably hurt the team more than he actually helped McCarthy. Also, this is Michigan, we have class here. You don't try to justify someone who's clearly done something either illegal or very unethical because they helped one guy on your team.


ogo_pogo t1_j5b4t1y wrote

He looks like a mix between Sebastian Manuscalco and that one dude who does fake prank videos on YouTube (and is incredibly obnoxious)


Useful-ldiot t1_j5b81o5 wrote

Coordinators don't have hefty buyouts. Their contracts are rarely more than $1m making they're buyouts typically $2-3m at best.

Edit: my point here is that any P5 university wouldn't hesitate for a moment to pay some $5m to fuck off. That's not a buyout they'd ever even consider riding out.


Mattbl t1_j5b95se wrote

Poor guy only getting a $2-3m payout, that sounds rough.

I'm kidding, as obviously I understand that money is not "hefty" in comparison to HCs, but to a normal person it definitely is "hefty."


pomc t1_j5bael3 wrote

Netflix really cracking down on password sharing.


LoganGyre t1_j5bnc4y wrote

I believe it’s what he did with that access which will be the bigger issue. Some have suggested he might have used this as a way to fix enrollment issues for incoming players and their families… I’ve also heard recruiting and viewing medical information of other student athletes not in the program.


SchpartyOn t1_j5bp8vi wrote

That rumor is so incredibly incorrect.

Weiss didn’t even work for Michigan until summer 2021 and the crimes he was fired for occurred between Dec 21 and 23, 2022, according to public record.


Dustin-Mustangs t1_j5ccih9 wrote

Initial reports indicated a swarm of unmarked police cars swarmed his house the week before he was fired. This seems like useful info during a time of wild speculation.

My guess is the University of Michigan will quietly sweep this under the rug with the rest of the dirt surrounding their athletic department, like Dr. Anderson.


BeerMeSeattle t1_j5cckpw wrote

Netflix is taking password sharing VERY seriously