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[deleted] t1_j5e6rqe wrote


WorshipNickOfferman t1_j5e8ohu wrote

Regular season runs May to September. That’s 5 months. Add in pre-season and post season and you’re going to get 2+ more months for a total of 7+. Clearly not a 3 month season and clearly not structured so the players can get pregnant and have a baby in the off-season.


SteffeEric t1_j5eogrz wrote

I’m pretty sure having a baby is more than just a 9 month process in terms of training for basketball. You don’t just pop the baby out and go back to balling like nothing happened.

It’s pretty much a lost season for the player. They have to get back in game shape. You can understand why Vegas (who is the defending champion) wouldn’t be thrilled about this.

You can also understand why the player isn’t happy they traded her for getting pregnant.


electricgotswitched t1_j5ezmd7 wrote

That's not how pregnancy works. You could have unprotected sex every day of the month and it's not a guarantee you get pregnant.