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Good_nuff t1_j5esmmj wrote

Being pregnant is a medical condition. If you are an athlete and develop a medical condition that prevents you from playing, your team will probably get rid of you. It happens in men’s sports all the time. I don’t understand why being pregnant should be any different.


JeffFromSchool t1_j5euucs wrote

Because unlike rare medical conditions that prevent them from playing, like with men, most women will get pregnant in their lives. Multiple times. Likely close together in time.


Good_nuff t1_j5ev6u8 wrote

But medical conditions don’t prevent women from playing with men, the biological ceiling does.

I don’t understand your comment or what it has to do with anything.


JeffFromSchool t1_j5f2f1b wrote

>But medical conditions don’t prevent women from playing with men, the biological ceiling does.

I don't understand what this statement has to do with anything.


thegreatestajax t1_j5fkxt4 wrote

I think the closest male correlate is tearing an ACL or UCL. Happens routinely. Known recovery period. Most come back at or near full strength. These male athletes are generally not traded for purposes of replacement but are sometimes traded in the usual course of things.