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vaelstresz77 t1_j67nkfm wrote

"has nothing to do with race".

He is literally saying he does not believe Iverson is human, he believes he is an animal.

What else do YOU need in YOUR mind's eye?


saysthingsbackwards t1_j67q4zs wrote

I'm sorry, you're moving way too quick here. Can you actually spell it out for us, but with more capitalized accentuated words so I know which ones you're simulating jamming your finger into my chest?


vaelstresz77 t1_j67qupb wrote

The fact you consider capitalization to be "jamming my fingers into your chest" is weird.

What was too fast for you?


TooRedditFamous t1_j67s5de wrote

That's clearly not what is being said. Sure its racist to refer to a black guy as a monkey but saying "has nothing to do with race" is not a sign that he literally sees him as an animal you dummy. He's literally just making an excuse saying "it's not a race thing".

The implication is clearly not that he wants to finish the sentence "it's not a race thing because he's an animal" it's, "it's not a race thing because I'm not racist" it was just a poor attempt to cover his back


NotBullievinAnyUvIt t1_j6807yn wrote

I actually read it as he sees us all as monkeys. Like the whole evolved from apes deal. But maybe I am giving him to much credit.


[deleted] t1_j67t2ke wrote



[deleted] t1_j67uw3d wrote



vaelstresz77 t1_j67v78b wrote

I wish I didn't delete my other comment to you.

For reference, it said "you're a racist". You have proved my point by literally disregarding thousands of years of racism that was solely focused on the oppressed not being human beings.

Jesus Christ Almighty, you must have been "educated" in the south.


vaelstresz77 t1_j67v0w7 wrote

You are fooling yourself to think racists don't believe they are animals. Why compare a person to an animal otherwise?


vaelstresz77 t1_j67w3jl wrote

Tell me, since you are so well versed on the subject of racism. What is the "all encompassing definition" of racism.

Please. Tell me how racists view the people their racism is directed at.


cor_dam t1_j68sghs wrote

Dude it’s called a metaphor. He is not literally saying the player is a monkey. Sometimes people call someone a monkey as a slur. Sometimes they do it to make a comparison that describes how athletic someone is.


vaelstresz77 t1_j68v3a8 wrote

You're right, it's a metaphor for not being know being an animal.


cor_dam t1_j68w36o wrote

Which is not racist. In this context, it’s a compliment because monkeys are superior to humans in the traits that he’s comparing. Michael Phelps is sometimes called the “flying fish” because he, like fish, is a good swimmer.


vaelstresz77 t1_j696w9i wrote

You are so detached from reality saying it was a compliment.

Phelps being called a fish isn't even comparable you psycho.


cor_dam t1_j69jnnj wrote

Resorting to gaslighting/insults and no argument, can’t say I’m surprised. I think it’s pretty clear from the responses you’ve received who is detached from reality.