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AnnisBewbs t1_j708e8e wrote

Where in thee fuck can a bitch get her adderall prescription filled?!


WendyArmbuster t1_j7dd4ft wrote

Are pharmacies not filling them? I heard there was a shortage, but I haven't heard from anybody on the ground saying they're actually seeing a shortage.


AnnisBewbs t1_j7e4q5a wrote

I have prescriptions not filled since December.


WendyArmbuster t1_j7edsg7 wrote

because the pharmacy is out?

edit: try the pharmacies at medical facilities. Like Burrell and Smith Glenn and Cox North all have their own pharmacies, and they would probably be less likely to run out since they are not as heavily used as like CVS and Walgreens.


AnnisBewbs t1_j7kf9fy wrote

Thank u for the suggestions. I got my 30mg ER filled today!!!