Submitted by shitmaroll t3_10r6bdm in springfieldMO
trashchan333 t1_j6tw59s wrote
The bass pro hat is very accurate
Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6tx8rg wrote
So you’re the guy that makes Glenstone at 3pm on any given day a fuckin nightmare…
The_Vigilante20 t1_j6txfim wrote
For real, people really think city streets have the same rules as the highway.
5ofUM t1_j6tyxcg wrote
Or what?
Golden3ye t1_j6tz3sg wrote
Or you will get tailgated! Did you read the meme?
5ofUM t1_j6tzion wrote
Oh no!
I’m so scared!
What will I ever do!?
lemler3 t1_j6tzjmb wrote
^(Once you have completed the pass, Missouri law REQUIRES you to return to the right lane.It is not legal or safe to continuously drive in the left lane. As faras overtaking vehicles is concerned, make sure you are in a safe passingzone. Missouri Revised Statute 304.016 addresses the passing laws.)
you know what people don't do here?
- return to the right lane
Complete-Soup-6001 t1_j6u03oe wrote
People here in Springfield drive like they’re all on Valium and have no where to be 🤷♂️
Edit: beep beep out the left lane
MaggieMews t1_j6u0hbv wrote
This is a perfect description.
[deleted] t1_j6u0ooz wrote
VoidDemon0226 t1_j6u2dae wrote
Always the people with the Gas Guzzler 5000 and a pair of dangling metal truck nuts that do that to lol
drewboto t1_j6u2wsu wrote
I feel like the whole left lane is full of drivers thinking all the other left lane drivers are the problem
FriendshipIntrepid91 t1_j6u3dxn wrote
Probably complain about getting tailgated.
ArtisticTomatillo106 t1_j6u3wbd wrote
Yep left lane sitting shit heads.
rayoatra t1_j6u6523 wrote
This. If you can’t police yourself, you have no business policing me. Find the energy to turn your hella obese neck and look behind you, use your signal, move the fuck over, shut the fuck up.
rayoatra t1_j6u6fiq wrote
Obviously fill your childish need of acknowledgment by being in the way an throwing a fit about it.
rayoatra t1_j6u6lkl wrote
Double lane city streets do have the same laws as far as the overtaking lane.
Far_Membership_2608 t1_j6u7xla wrote
Same Missourians who don’t zipper merge. Or know what that is. Or why they should.
Especially in construction zones. I don’t care what the signs say. Drive to the end and then zipper merge.
Everyone around the world knows how to do this except those in the Ozarks. They merge three miles ahead and then cut anyone off who is trying to drive to the end and merge AS IT SHOULD BE DONE!
ho1doncaulfield t1_j6u8dq4 wrote
Breakcheck the fuck out of that guy, probably
The_Vigilante20 t1_j6u8j6y wrote
Both lanes on city streets are driving lanes since cars will constantly have to be getting into left turn lanes or making left turns when there is no turn lane. Highways have a fast lane/overtake lane because you hardly ever turn left directly off of a highway.
rayoatra t1_j6u9u59 wrote
The following rules shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction on Missouri non-highway roads, city streets and byways, subject to all vehicles minus exceptions hereinafter stated:
(1) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall again drive to the right side of the roadway once safely clear of the overtaken vehicle; and
(2) While overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of a vehicle to be overtaken shall always give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle and shall not increase the speed of such driver's vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
It may be inconvenient, but unless you have no other option you should not just be proceeding in the left lane, no matter where in Missouri the road is located. The people that do this are the same people who think a left turn lane is also a merge into traffic lane.
Fuselol t1_j6ucc9l wrote
And scuff his brush guard while your car gets PIT maneuvered into the body shop for weeks?
growth-or-happiness t1_j6uhjdr wrote
If I drive in the left lane. Chances are I am gonna turn left down the road. The left lane is a passing lane, not I am gonna drive as fast as possible lane. It is one speed limit. I don’t return to the right lane if I have to turn left in two blocks. Also, the bass pro hat checks. I work for them. Bunch of dicks. Sometimes.
growth-or-happiness t1_j6uhqpv wrote
Also, calm down. Traffic is shit. Go drive in Philly, NY or DFW.
mungermoss245 t1_j6ukuc2 wrote
Left lane is go fast lane
[deleted] t1_j6ulnx8 wrote
Cold417 t1_j6uloql wrote
> following rules shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction on Missouri non-highway roads, city streets and byways, subject to all vehicles minus exceptions hereinafter stated
What statute are you citing?
InternalSystem t1_j6un04r wrote
"Stay right except to pass" is mostly only applicable on the freeway. If you're on a road where someone may need to make a left or right turn at any time, there should be no expectation of them moving to the right lane just because you want to go faster than them. On the freeway though... it's "stay right except to pass. Not "stay right unless you think you're going a reasonable speed".
TNCNguy t1_j6unfyk wrote
Thank god I live in Tennessee where driving in the left lane is legal and encouraged if right lane traffic is slow
CandyBoBandDandy t1_j6unsd1 wrote
Jesus Christ the tailgating down here is a nightmare. I'm going almost 10 over the speed limit. Driver's still be like "I'm gonna ride the dude's ass"
It's not going to get you anywhere faster. It's just going to destroy both our cars when I have to break
CandyBoBandDandy t1_j6unzqz wrote
I do. People still tailgate me. Even when they have the opportunity to pass. The left lane is open. They don't go around
Sally_twodicks t1_j6uo6g6 wrote
For the record, if you are driving and going 5 below the speed limit and there is a dashed yellow line telling me I can legally pass you in a straightaway, I am going to.
So flash your lights all you want, honk. Fucking drive. Stop going 15 down a 30 because you plan on turning a few roads down.
WendyArmbuster t1_j6upogw wrote
If you think your speed is reasonable you're not driving fast enough. We all should be driving in our zone of proximal development.
Starportalskye t1_j6uq9nb wrote
My Springfield driver motto: someone’s always slacking. I’ll get over in a reasonable time.. and I always do. Edit: Remember S.A.S
lincoln3x7 t1_j6uwqqu wrote
If I’m in the left lane it’s probably because some basshat is doing 25 over up the right and blocking the lane. But go ahead an exercise your birthright to drive over the speed limit and demand everyone else move out of your lane.
timewreckoner t1_j6ux13b wrote
Damn, that cashew chicken looks good though.
FryMastur t1_j6uxiyh wrote
KnightlyBard t1_j6v2s4o wrote
Not sure why I’m getting sub recommendations from a town I’ve never been to, but I wish you all the best in opposing tailgaters.
GMoore42 t1_j6v40kn wrote
Typically Springfield redditor lol, move over simpleton. If a honk from the car behind you is what it takes for you to remember driving etiquette, maybe you shouldn’t be on the highway.
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v4g3n wrote
Some people don't realize the left lane rule only applies to highways.
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v4l8h wrote
You realize the left lane rule is for highways right? People make left turns on city streets.
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v4p7l wrote
You need to go back to driving school.
Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6v4r76 wrote
You realize that if you’re not turning left and you’re going the same speed as the guy next to you, you’re a dick, right?
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v4x4n wrote
My car is on its last leg. I think I'm gonna full commit brake check the next fucker who does this.
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v539z wrote
Nope, city streets don't have passing lanes. You can go the speed limit or lick my nuts.
rayoatra t1_j6v55u0 wrote
lmao i actually hold 3 driving certs, have been the to MO HWY patrol course near MU, and really really hope to go to the O'Neil rally school in new Hampshire next bday. I just find you all so intolerable lol
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v59ln wrote
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.
Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6v5axw wrote
Enjoy my headlights up your ass then homie.
rayoatra t1_j6v5lj4 wrote
lol its true. Me and betty do great work together. Im not really pro cop at all, but most of you plebs think i am one and move, maybe ill be unlucky enough to be behind you someday :]
Brandon32ss t1_j6v7ph0 wrote
I would zipper merge but I know that if I do it the correct way I’m going to be stuck in the construction lane, because nobody lets anyone in.
WendyArmbuster t1_j6v7xsm wrote
If you use old reddit on a computer it doesn't do that. Thanks for the support!
AmosBridges t1_j6v8n58 wrote
This guy Missouris
shitmaroll OP t1_j6vafrg wrote
I am a perfect driver and am always right about the rules of the road
Breezus77 t1_j6vayt7 wrote
As is the Brad Bradshaw on his shoulder
_angrysockpuppet_ t1_j6vbflb wrote
Cope + seethe + traffic ticket + wrap around a telephone pole and die
[deleted] t1_j6vc0pg wrote
troycalm t1_j6vgtzh wrote
It’s just as illegal to block the passing lane (left) as it is to be speeding.
ifollowmyself t1_j6vk990 wrote
You realize that's not how it works right? The law applies only to roads over 60mph.
XzallionTheRed t1_j6vmh1z wrote
That works only as long as both lanes have full driver support of that method. Unfortunately like all things that rely on full cooperation on asshole ruins it and sets in motion more doing it different. And if you think people everywhere know how this works you haven't driven far have you? I've seen people mess that up in every state, from Michigan to Texas and To Florida. I've heard west coast ain't much better.
Glock2puss t1_j6vmif9 wrote
I drive faster than most but if someone is behind me I move over for them but ironically I never have an issue with people moving out of the left lane when I come up behind them.
I've driven all over the country and missouri drivers are more polite than I've seen in texas and a lot of other states lol
But even if I'm doing 20 over I get right back in the right lane when not actively passing anybody lol
XzallionTheRed t1_j6vmila wrote
Glock2puss t1_j6vmmpf wrote
But also I'd rather be stuck behind someone going a consistent speed or the speed limit than stuck behind someone who can't maintain a steady speed lol
XzallionTheRed t1_j6vmnj1 wrote
on the highway. Anywhere else the left lane is fair.
XzallionTheRed t1_j6vmw55 wrote
You realize I happily do that right? Tailgate harder, flip me the bird. It feeds my dark soul.
Glock2puss t1_j6vmzlv wrote
I feel both sides of this argument because it is more efficient to stay in the left lane where there's turn and lanes but if you have a line of cars behind you and there's nobody in front of you in the right lane it's not hard to just get over
XzallionTheRed t1_j6vn1zj wrote
Then we gonna see how slow I can go.
Glock2puss t1_j6vn7hu wrote
As someone who drives frequently in multiple states missouri traffic is like the least stressful I deal with haha Oklahoma right next door those dumb bastards are always having wrecks and stopped traffic
Cold417 t1_j6vnaux wrote
I like how you're citing state law while also sharing a photo of a vehicle you own that is also breaking state law. Can't make this shit up.
XzallionTheRed t1_j6vnijd wrote
Cry some more.
rayoatra t1_j6vopqw wrote
realllllly looking hard for anything aren't you. I don't think my license plate is effecting anyone's life but mine. Piddlers and people fucking around in the wrong lane on their phones and being generally clueless...totally same thing. mind blown by your tenacity. maybe try making something up, it would totally hold my interest more than youre current content.
Cold417 t1_j6votdf wrote
Hey, while I've got your attention...what's the statute you cited earlier?
Born2fayl t1_j6vowia wrote
On city streets the left lane is not for passing. That’s only on highways.
rayoatra t1_j6voxb8 wrote
I googled. Was easy Try harder. Also blocked. I think I’ve lost interest in south Mo people.
Born2fayl t1_j6vp6y6 wrote
> maybe ill be unlucky enough to be behind you someday :]
Hope so! I’ll gently slow down and get giddy at your expression!
rayoatra t1_j6vpal9 wrote
Acknowledgement craving is the worst weakness of all.
Born2fayl t1_j6vpggp wrote
stewiezone t1_j6vph4v wrote
I never understood people who want to block the left lane...
FluidUnderstanding40 t1_j6vqgzx wrote
Also Springfield: goes 35 on a 40
God damn you must be going slow!
Wyldfire2112 t1_j6vwkod wrote
Yeah, that shit is just heinous assholery of the highest order.
Wyldfire2112 t1_j6vwpce wrote
Because you're subscribe to a subreddit devoted to some town, city, or other geographical region somewhere in the world, and Reddit's recommendations are fucky that way.
[deleted] t1_j6vwpgt wrote
Wyldfire2112 t1_j6vxjt4 wrote
It's called "consideration for other drivers."
Driving slow is fine, forming a rolling roadblock next to another slow driver in the other lane so other people can't get around you is being an asshole.
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j6whgg3 wrote
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j6wif2p wrote
I don’t understand why so many people are practically acting like road laws don’t exist. Anyone from Missouri would know that OP is fucking obviously referring to highways, where people constantly go 15-25 over and sit in the left lane until they’re within 7 feet of their exit.
I hate how many people act like legal speed limits are just guidelines. If the sign says 70MPH, you are not legally allowed to drive faster than 70MPH. Shut the fuck up about “the flow of traffic” and stop being a part of the problem. If everyone else is going 10 over, and I’m in the far right lane going the legal limit, then I’m the one abiding by the law, while everyone else is breaking it, not the other way around.
Stop fucking driving as fast as you can. You’re saving a few minutes at the very best, and endangering those around you. The maniacal driving I see every day makes me want to vacate the country. Speed limits are LIMITS, not fucking guidelines.
I f y o u d r i v e f a s t e r t h a n t h e l i m i t , y o u a r e b r e a k i n g t h e l a w.
Mr_Makaveli_187 t1_j6wiq36 wrote
The left lane is for passing. Either use it exclusively to pass, or drive fast enough that you're passing everyone (90+ mph)
shitmaroll OP t1_j6wlxjg wrote
I am being completely serious
shitmaroll OP t1_j6wmrx2 wrote
I disagree, going 90+ mph is very irresponsible and makes the road less safe
hopalongrhapsody t1_j6wp9vx wrote
klondikekd t1_j6wpapr wrote
People in Springfield drive like they learned how on a Walmart power chair.
Swiv t1_j6wsecb wrote
This comment section is a microcosm of why Springfield traffic actually sucks.
thedevilsmusic t1_j6wtckv wrote
Exceeding the speed limit while passing is illegal.
i-mdirtydan t1_j6wtp2y wrote
Only applicable to highways. City streets this is not applicable.
Mr_Makaveli_187 t1_j6wwrce wrote
For you maybe. I've been doing so successfully for nearly 30 years
Mr_Makaveli_187 t1_j6wwswb wrote
Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6wzysd wrote
This guy gets it.
[deleted] t1_j6x6yh8 wrote
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6x72m1 wrote
Doesn't bother me. If you cause an accident, you pay for my new car.
flojo2012 t1_j6x95w2 wrote
If I’m going a reasonable speed and someone is failing me in the left lane, I move to the right lane and let them pass so I don’t get injured from whatever it is they’re doing.
We have to stop trying to do things that control others just because “we are right” ‘oughts’ and ‘should’ get you killed on the road when others aren’t doing what the ought and should. Just let ‘em go
FlaccidBread t1_j6xapy9 wrote
I know… I moved away from Springfield and the poorly cropped plate of cashew chicken makes me miss it
Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6xc110 wrote
Unless I can make the claim that you were driving intentionally obstructively in some bizarre Dick stretching routine that drivers ‘at reasonable speeds’ get into because they’re self righteous and zero respect for other peoples time.
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6xc8jk wrote
OK buddy. Whatever help you sleep while I spend your check on KFC.
littlerichy33 t1_j6xcrpq wrote
Yea get the fuck outa the left lane if your not passing. Simple, you know when you read the drivers manual it even says that lmao
[deleted] t1_j6xcxwu wrote
Serious_Ad4950 t1_j6xlgr4 wrote
Missouri is the only state I’ve driven where everyone thinks they should be in the left lane.
The right lane is for driving and the left for passing. Show Me some sense y’all.
BataMahn3 t1_j6xnc4q wrote
After living in various parts of the country I've determined Missouri drivers to be among the absolute worst. Literally no such thing as a car length of braking distance (sweet a spot to take!), people using the shoulders as passing lanes daily, and don't even get me started on the ENRAGING amount of phone use. In a state where most people have 2.5 brain cells and can't focus on more than one thing at a time, maybe we should try and keep them focused on the road; especially when piloting a couple tons of steel at 70mph. (I was in emergency services and scraping people off the road isn't fun or pretty)
And please, for the love of God, limit the amount of traffic circles because Missourians just can't handle them. I couldn't tell you how many people I've had to wake up\dodge cause they're too busy playing on their effin phone or not yielding or whatever. Even my insurance went up this year and when I called to ask why, they said it's cause Missourians are crashing more, thus higher rates.
I've never seen such terrible, awful, unskilled, dogshit, distracted drivers in my life.... anyway, I feel better after venting, thanks for reading my blog!
neteazy t1_j6xtml5 wrote
can you please exactly define the amount of speed that makes up 'passing' by expressing it as a number?
Ok_Marsupial59 t1_j6y5zan wrote
There’s no such thing as tailgating. Get the hell outta the way.
shitmaroll OP t1_j6y75uf wrote
Never expected to see this opinion tbh
Smooth_Hexagon t1_j6yzdys wrote
MO Rev Stat § 304.016 (2013)
The driver of a motor vehicle may overtake and pass to the right of another vehicle only under the following conditions:
(1) When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn;
(2) Upon a city street with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles in each direction;
Teacher I have a question. How would you be in a position in which you need to invoke the 1st or 2nd ruling of the regulations for passing on right?
[deleted] t1_j6z17wh wrote
Ogtrot t1_j6z1ph5 wrote
65 S is where is see the most issues. People seriously do just hang out in the left lane going 64mph and it does frustrate me, ngl.
CandyBoBandDandy t1_j6znaem wrote
sonic the hedgehog entered the chat
WendyArmbuster t1_j6zp0ps wrote
Unfortunately, the reality is that there are two sets of conflicting rules we are expected to obey while driving. The first is the written law, and the second is social norms. You can choose whichever you want to obey, that's your choice. There are penalties for breaking both sets of rules, and you have to decide which penalties are acceptable to you. On one hand, you might get a ticket for speeding (unlikely these days, it seems) or you might get somebody tailgating you for driving 15 miles an hour slower than everybody else is driving and intentionally drifting towards you while passing. It would be nice if our laws, supposedly created by the will of the people, reflected how fast we all want to drive, but for whatever reason they don't, and here we are.
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j6zvhaa wrote
Passing is meant for vehicles that are going slower than the speed limit.
If you need to pass someone, you shouldn’t need to speed to do it.
RollOutTheGuillotine t1_j70497n wrote
Gobbless our local shitposters o7
ifollowmyself t1_j70h2iy wrote
You want people to be considerate of your driving, but you're not being considerate of others. We all move at different speeds in life. Try spending more time in public spaces like airports, waiting is just part of travel.
Wyldfire2112 t1_j70sb14 wrote
Standing in the middle of the concourse blocking the flow of traffic while you chit-chat with someone is a dick move, too. Just because you have to deal with inconsiderate assholes everywhere doesn't make you not an inconsiderate asshole for doing it.
I don't care how much you drive like a grandma, just don't match paces with another traffic-clogger and completely block the road.
ifollowmyself t1_j727pwp wrote
Missouri isn't near the top of the list on accidents and fatality rates: 20th, down from 14th a few years ago. I've driven in multiple states this year and seen many that were just as bad if not worse. This problem of driving in the left lane or using a phone while driving is not endemic to Missouri. Your anger toward an entire state of unrelated people seems misplaced.
BataMahn3 t1_j72djp9 wrote
Thanks for your reply. The things is, cell phone use is legal in only two states, and Missouri is one of them. And 20th you say? Sounds like the bad half of that number, doesn't it?
ifollowmyself t1_j72tvq9 wrote
That stat is totally incorrect. It is legal in 25 states. Things could always be better, but you make it sound like hell's asshole. Like I said, we improved 6 positions in 2 years. I would like to see stricter traffic law enforcement, so I think we can at least agree on that.
BataMahn3 t1_j7376o7 wrote
How many states are green or light green?
ifollowmyself t1_j73xcj0 wrote
You specifically stated 'cellphone use', yet the map you supplied refers to texting while driving laws. Those states not in red allow cell phone use other than texting while driving.
BataMahn3 t1_j74bhhz wrote
So you're saying that texting isn't cell phone use? Just stop bud, give it up lol
ifollowmyself t1_j761xmm wrote
Texting is cell phone use, but not all cell phone use is texting. That's what you originally cited. You can be charged with texting and driving in Missouri if you cause an accident.
BataMahn3 t1_j7702bh wrote
Distracted driving is distracted driving and it's all marked the same on your ticket when you get one, whether you were texting, redditing, or whatever. Mind you, you don't need to cause an accident to get a ticket for that, just like you don't have to cause an accident if you're speeding to get a ticket. At this point I feel like you're purposely not understanding. Is that what you're doing? Do you need someone to talk to?
Edit: and to my original point, Missouri is only one of two states that legally allow you to be distracted behind the wheel and it make Missourians worse drivers. With your own numbers, if there's 5 drivers standing in front of me, the 2nd worst driver there is a missourian (20 out of 50).
ifollowmyself t1_j78ie2q wrote
>you don't need to cause an accident to get a ticket for that
But your whole argument is that Missouri doesn't have laws for this. If you can be ticketed for using a phone, not just texting, and not causing an accident; then it would seem Missouri does have laws for this..
The graph you link refered specifically to texting while driving, nothing else; you keep changing the goalpost from texting, to all phone use, to distracted driving.
We're in the 4% for distraction, yet in the 40% for accidents. Means we're 10x better drivers than we statistically should be despite being distracted. See, I can use mashed up statistics to fit my narrative to.
BataMahn3 t1_j78trrb wrote
No, dingleberry, my point is that Missourians are generally bad drivers and your stat backs that up. Its literally legal to use the phone behind the wheel in missouri, which can and does lead to more accidents. Anywhere else in the union and you'd get a ticket for driving while distracted. You being butthurt because 'muh statehood' changes nothing. You have no argument other than "nu-uh!" Acting like a simplified fraction is "mashed up stats" to fit my "narrative" only says more about you and the public education system, than it does about my "narrative". Pretending that texting\any cellphone use isn't distracted driving makes me wonder what you classify distracted driving as, not that I care. Let me put it another way, out of 5 tiers for being a shit driver, Missourians are tier 2, with tier 1 being the worst. Get it? The laws that prohibit distracted driving of any kind in MO apply to texting and under 21s, which is a weak law at best. I have no idea how many fatalities you've scraped off the road, but I have more than my fair share, and a very healthy portion of them were people too busy fucking with their phone, their dog, their hair, etc. If you are honestly okay with you and your family being next to people who are distracted driving because "we're 10x better drivers than we should be" is your standard, by all means, live in a dangerous shithole. But I think the rest of us are interested in making it to the destination were going.
benhereford t1_j7930bl wrote
This is exactly what happens. The stretch of road near me, I'll just stay back in the right lane because everyone is always trying to be in the left lane and pass.
Then when both lanes inevitably stop at the traffic light, the right lane gets boosted ahead of the huge line of cars in the left lane. lol
ifollowmyself t1_j7b47mn wrote
I never got butthurt over 'muh statehood', and never had to resort to insults. Missouri could be better, but it's not the hellhole you make it out to be. Go gaslight someone else you tool. Welcome to Reddit, you belong here.
shitmaroll OP t1_j7fs0g5 wrote
Glock2puss t1_j84qm7t wrote
I still am gonna send people to gapplebees the minute I get the chance though
Golden3ye t1_j6tw2la wrote
You make some awful posts. Also, stay out the left lane if you know what is good for you