Submitted by Goblin4Morrison t3_10ty8ew in springfieldMO

Apparently Alamo kicked a family out of a 3pm viewing of Puss in boots for a phone violation and excessive noise, both of which they’re extremely strict on unless it is a specific event.

Here is the kicker, one of the family members was a 2 year old with Down’s syndrome.

Now, Alamo has a rule about age—3+ and this family was told it would be okay that the child was 2. Twice, allegedly. Alamo had taken fault for that mistake but has stated over and over that it was because one of the family members was on their phone and had had complaints from other attendees. The family member admitted they were on their phone.

Now they have thrown their ugly woe is me head and are trying to cancel Alamo for following their strict policy.

Here’s the deal, I would have got kicked out from the same theater for the same reason. They were not kicked out because of the child’s age, because that was their fault. They were kicked out because they were blatantly disregarding rules.

Any child, with a disability or not, at the age of 2 cannot control their outbursts. There is an age restriction for a reason. I just hate to see ANY business blasted for completely false allegations.

But it’s current news, and there’s my opinion. It’s a hot take. I’ll get downvoted, but take the disability out of the equation, had the child been a neurotypical 2 year old making the noise and the family member was on their phone, they still would have been kicked out.

They literally have all ages shows FOR THIS REASON. They literally show the rules at the beginning of the show FOR THIS REASON. And yeah, if people complain, you’re gone. Don’t forget, this was theater patrons complaining!

Edit: typos

Some updates I have learned:

  1. The child who was being disruptive was allegedly the older child, and not the younger one, but that has still been a reason people are giving for them being kicked out.
  2. They are complaining they did not get a warning. They did. At the beginning. GIANT ON THE FUCKING SCREEN. They decided to ignore those warnings.
  3. At least two other people in the theater complained, allegedly. Meaning the entire theater was effected by this.
  4. The mother has admitted to being on her phone under the blanket.
  5. Alamo had taken fault for allowing the child at the age of 2 in. This was erroneous on their part.
  6. the family never mentioned anything about the younger child having Down’s syndrome, the angry mob just used that as fuel. Not sure if this has changed.

If anything else is needing to be included in this saga let me know. I’ll update as necessary.

The only reason I posted this is because Alamo and their staff do not deserve the pure vile hatred some of these people are spewing. Alamo has been an incredible addition to our city and has given me many fun nights out with my family and friends. Stay crispy, nouns.



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alg45160 t1_j79gtjk wrote

This makes me like the Alamo more, and I liked them plenty before. They have rules and I'm glad to see that they enforce them.


notnotpegbundy t1_j79hg0r wrote

Can confirm that they have a no tolerance policy on phone use/noise, especially if patrons are complaining.

The thing that gets me about this is, other people were complaining, while in a dark theater, how would they have known the child had Down’s syndrome? Why are they turning this into a witch hunt?


Mechanicallvlan t1_j79hg96 wrote

I haven't seen any of this, and I'm not going to look. But Alamo has special screenings for families like this. Anyone who goes to standard screenings and causes a disruption is just a fucking asshole.


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j79hpd7 wrote

People specifically choose this theater for this VERY reason.

They hold special events, for this very reason. There’s other theaters in town. Don’t go to the one on a normal viewing where there’s a no tolerance policy in place.


mb10240 t1_j79ht6q wrote

If you want to use your phone and be disruptive or have a child that is going to be disruptive, neurotypical or not, either go to an all ages show at Alamo (I think they even do shows where the volume is lowered and the lights aren’t as dim for audio visually sensitive children) or go somewhere else.


Use_the_Loofah t1_j79i3ui wrote

I wish other theaters in town had the same rules. Had an awful experience at the Moxie not long ago with a family talking through a not-kid-friendly film, and when I complained to the staff afterward they stated they've had previous issues with the family but they clearly weren't going to do anything about it. (I am a member, and will continue to visit the Moxie frequently though)


kernelpanic789 t1_j79i9zg wrote

Didn't like Alamo before this, don't like or dislike them anymore now.


existentialkush t1_j79kamo wrote

I mean just because someone is born different doesn't change the rules. everyone bought a ticket expecting a quiet theater. it sucks they can't go out with their kid but they seriously can't be so stupid they think a whole theater of moviegoers needs to bend over backwards for them. entitled as fuck lol


mysickfix t1_j79lhn3 wrote

Love Alamo. Good friend of mine passed while working at the South Austin location. They really took care of his family and many friends he had there.


ErisEpicene t1_j79p892 wrote

Hiring discrimination against two year olds has to stop! How can we accept a world where Walmart can only hire illiterate children from the ages of 15 up with parental consent? And discrimination against two year olds is the norm in bars and strip clubs around the world! Smh my head


randomname10131013 t1_j79r854 wrote

Sounds like a bunch of entitled asses. They were given an inch & they wanted a mile. You don't get to just make your own rules & they even have showings specifically for kids to talk through.


jss728 t1_j79rf0a wrote

Thanks for your kindness, so much. These people were really cruel and came after our staff pretty hard too. I was there yesterday and also spoke to two guests who raised an order card. The kids were screaming and shouting and the mom was actively on her phone with a blanket on her head doing nothing about it.

We want everyone’s movie-going experience to be a good one, always. We’re sorry it happened and would prefer it never would have, but we always strive to preserve environments of mutual respect here.


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j79sfnt wrote

The Alamo has sensory friendly showings, I wonder if this was one?


Donaldest t1_j79te0v wrote

Can confirm, I work there and was working that day. Yeah she was kicked out because she was on her phone after we were told a few times about their disruptions and eventually we had to kick them out. Typically nothing out of the ordinary.

But since this person apparently has a business in Springfield and a decent amount of friends to review bomb the theater it turned into a whole ordeal.


Baku7en t1_j79tfek wrote

We went to Avatar 3D last weekend at 11am. A family of 7 strolls in with a 1 year old. Manager come in a few minutes later and escorts them out.

Movies are expensive enough, let alone a dinner and move type place like the Alamo. I’m not about to drop $50-$60 on food, drinks and tickets to have to listen to a kid scream.

Good for the Alamo for enforcing these policies.


diamondmenu t1_j79wrs4 wrote

People just be so mad when they cant take responsibility for their actions.


Technical-Respect202 t1_j7a1j9t wrote

I’d understand feeling bad for them being attacked, but they kicked them out for the child being too loud. I am not sure if it was a special screening or not, I think it was though. Regardless, they are changing the real reason why they kicked them out. It wasn’t over texting. It was the special needs child making too much noise. There’s no video in the theaters either so that little tidbit about we can show you is a lie. All of the good reviews they’re getting to cancel out the bad ones are from their own serving staff. It’s pathetic.

If you want to support a business, I’d choose one that doesn’t lie to its customers. If you’ve been there recently and have gotten sick after, it’s probably because they use moldy, old ingredients sometimes and have no hot water. Every time I’ve been recently in the last week or two, there’s no hot water.

So instead of defending a company that does not care if it screws over their own customers, maybe look into why so many people want to blast them so badly. There’s probably a good reason for it.


Spiffy_Dude t1_j7a3v62 wrote

Alamo specifically has showings for younger children and even a sensory friendly showing for children with special needs or autism. They’re already accommodating to families who need accommodations, so I feel like this might be a shakedown.


AutomaticPi1 t1_j7a4lyr wrote

This is easily verifiable information. It took me like five seconds to go to the Greene County Health Inspections and see 1 priority violation listed back in August that was since corrected and had nothing to do with mold or hot water. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but lying and brigading the business should not be tolerated.


22TopShelf22 t1_j7a5wsp wrote

This is the pathetic world we live in where everything is canceled if you don't agree with someone's opinion.


BathrobeDave t1_j7a7v4y wrote

I go to alamo solely because of these policies and how they're enforced.

The amount of times I've seen young children and infants in theaters before y'all is baffling. I hope you don't change a thing.


rogan_notjoe t1_j7a9314 wrote

I saw the post and was annoyed Alamo completely changed their story. They said it was for the “excessive noise” at first and when the mother explained it was her apparent preapproved child laughing, Alamo said “oh well you were on your phone too” I was on their side until then lol. And it looked like the post and a few comments were from a third party observing.


Samjamesjr t1_j7acze7 wrote

We lived in Austin and loved going to the Alamo. Have one child with autism, so can empathize there. However, this location goes beyond the typical Alamo rules. Took our youngest (neurotypical) to see a supposedly all ages show on his birthday and used PTO to do so. Got there and they wouldn’t let him in due to his age. Their management never had a good explanation for not letting us in and it was the first time I’d brought a kid to this location. I don’t know what the story is with these folks and don’t care, but I also don’t trust this location to not waste my time.

Long story short: will be fine staying at home and watching a movie a few months later not to deal with the Springfield Alamo’s hassle. Their management seems to be a bit on the asinine side.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j7agvq6 wrote

Home theater tip for your popcorn:

There's a product called "Flavacol" that's been around since the 50s (as you might imagine with a name and packaging like it has) which is a super finely ground salt, like confectioner's sugar almost, that has an artificial buttery flavor.

Add it to your popcorn before popping at a 1tsp to 1cup ratio, and be sure to pop with coconut oil, and you'll get that old-school movie popcorn flavor from back in the day.

For bonus points, use a whirlypop to get the same stir-bar mechanism theater poppers do, just hand cranked.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j7ah4dw wrote

From what you're not saying, I'm guessing it was your kid's first or second birthday and you ran afoul of their 3+ policy for general admission shows. Just because you don't like the explanation and they didn't cave to you trying to talk your way around the rule doesn't mean they didn't give you one. Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on their part.

EDIT: Either that, or you're lying out your ass because you're part of the smear campaign. One of the two.


Samjamesjr t1_j7ahjim wrote

No, he was turning five. We’ve had no problems with Alamo in TX and understand the policies. I read quasi-governmental regulation on a daily basis, but sure, assume I don’t know what I’m talking about and the managers at this location aren’t just giddy over their awesome movie theater power.


GMoore42 t1_j7alh02 wrote

Forget this. I’ve seen multiple people expose their bare ass feet while reclined out in those chairs. Bitch I’m trying to eat this pretzel in peace put your hoofs away


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7ax2rc wrote

They were kicked out for being on their phones and complaints from other patrons. Who probably had no idea the child had Down’s syndrome, and it was not a special screening. Go cry to someone who will believe your bullshit. I’ll continue to support businesses that get blasted erroneously


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7ax9d9 wrote

The mother ADMITTED to being on her phone. There were complaints from other patrons. Alamo admitted they fucked uo letting a two year old in.

Alamo fucked up letting a 2 year old in. Mom fucked up by being under a blanket on her phone (which she admitted) and the children were loud.


Thatguyyouhatealot t1_j7aypij wrote

Alamo SGF is the best theater in Missouri. Who cares if your 2 year old has a developmental disability or not, if you disrupt the theater with noise and a phone then GTFO. I didn’t pay $60 for movie, food and a beer to hear your kids yapping, crying or whatever.


Gsxr_wife t1_j7az8pv wrote

It was the older child that was being loud and obnoxious


EstablishmentFar8384 t1_j7b0xnp wrote

If you use your phone during a movie, you're an asshole. Doesn't matter if you're alone or with your entire family. I'm glad they kicked them out if that happened.


Sally_twodicks t1_j7b43hd wrote

Well at least they did something about it. I had to complain about a couple who wouldn't shut up during the Mister Roger's documentary. The manager took forever to come over and then in the end started reprimanding the wrong couple on the other side of us which made it even more awkward when we had to tell them the right couple, as they then knew it was. They didn't even kick them out so then we had to sit there while they continued to talk and talk shit on us for calling the manager.


FrankenRabies t1_j7b8gde wrote

I saw an outburst at the Alamo before. My daughter(10)and I went to see something and when we walked to the bathroom after ordering drinks and food but before the trailers started this guy was clearly drunk and reached for my kid, I just moved between them and continued on our way with a huge glare. Idk if he wanted a high five or what, but don’t reach and stare at peoples kids. It’s fucking creepy. Thinking back I should have gone to management right then, but I didn’t think. We got back to the theater and saw the guy there. He was making a scene so about 3 or 4 of the teens-young adults working there was trying to get him and his (wife?) out.

Now I respect kicking people out like this. Love that. But I was majorly disappointed that it was young, small people trying to get this larger dude who was threatening to hit them out and not the cop hanging out in the lobby or upper management. Is there a reason it’s just the servers it seems who kick folks out? Does the cop being there just stay there for show?


mollywol t1_j7b92cz wrote

A smart parent would bring their kid to one of those family-friendly screenings, sit near the back, and work with their child on how best to behave during a specific situation.

An entitled parent would bring their kid to any old screenings and would let them scream/kick seats /run around and throw the whole “oh they’re a kid, what do you expect” card.

If you are a parent, particularly a parent of a special needs kid, it’s on you to make sure your kid acts appropriately. One day your kid’s going to have to do that exact same thing on their own. Prepare them for it. Teach them not to be an asshole. Just because a kid has a disability or is non-neurotypical doesn’t mean they can’t be taught social skills.

Side note: I brought my kid to those Alamo sensory-friendly screenings when he was 3 or so and he loved them. I remember having some hiccups but hey, that’s why we sat near the aisles in the back.

I’m here from another sub. Hi!


External_Staff_300 t1_j7bcbjf wrote

Having a kid with special needs doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. Everyone knows the VERY basic courtesy of TURN OFF THE PHONE when you are in a theater. Or, at minimum, mute the damn thing.


Cold417 t1_j7bcc26 wrote

Most of the negative reviews from the bozo brigade are from people who rarely go to movies and haven't even been to our AD. The couple that were removed from the auditorium are from a rural town and aren't used to being told they have to be respectful so that other people have a good experience. There's a lot of "Oh but it's a kid's movie" bullshit, like that excuses behavior.


LocationTime5348 t1_j7bciwo wrote

they look like clowns lmfao “they kicked us out because we were on our phones it’s apparently against the rules”


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7bebri wrote

“But it’s a kid’s movie.”

Yes. It is. I’m glad they’re aware of what they’re buying tickets to. Haha.

What a joke. Is it still being blasted as a ruse against a kid with a disability too? Or have they moved past that?


Cold417 t1_j7bf08h wrote

No, they're still stuck on that...even after admitting that the "laughter" was loud and obnoxious and that she was on her phone as well. It may be a "kids" movie, but there are other adults there watching the film and other kids who might also be bothered. It's like they don't believe kids have autonomy.


beerme72 t1_j7bg7l7 wrote

As Alamo has always had clearly stated policies they come out ahead on these things.
If the family is going to try to hide behind their Childs extra chromosome then fuck THEM in the neck.
The people that complain about Alamos policies usually never GO to the fucking movies (one) and if they DO they ain't doin it at Alamo so let them bitch online and stay their asses home.
my two cents.


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7bgoqx wrote

They had to turn off reviews so no can go in and try to counteract the people being asshats from their computer chair 5 states over.

I’m absolutely APPALLED at the behavior of some of the citizens of Queen City as well. But you’re 100% right. They’re just armchair social justice warriors with one thumb up their ass and the other pounding out keys to make words.


snorlaxatives_69 t1_j7bhu0y wrote

They make it pretty clear when the movie is about to start that they don’t tolerate that shit. Shitty parents, for sure.


mollywol t1_j7biys1 wrote

Thank you kind redditor! It's posted on one of those "suggested subreddits" or whatever you see on the reddit home page.

Anyways it's comforting (?) to know that every city in America has stuff in common. In my city we have these entitled jerks too.


Cold417 t1_j7bka0t wrote

>Alamo has their employees leaving positive reviews.

Are they? Or are a few of the employees (also patrons) leaving a review now because they enjoy the place and don't want entitled shitbags ruining it for everyone else? We'll never know.


Bea_Azulbooze t1_j7bkfls wrote

It's not so much as being victims it's the notion that they are entitled to whatever they want and can't simply be told "no".

Then when they are not just simply allowed to do whatever they want, then they happen to be the victim of xyz. When in reality, you're having consequences for your actions because your actions sucked. Hard.

I swear the older I get the less patience I have for people.


Bea_Azulbooze t1_j7bl2l3 wrote

It's not like they've been showing "Turn off your phone" before every single movie in every single theater since the 90s (I remember when it was turn off your pager/beeper...fuck I'm old haha).

It's basic common sense/courtesy really to everyone but entitled twats.


....where I can I read all of these posts? I'm feeling a little confrontational today haha.


jss728 t1_j7bo450 wrote

The servers are never the ones we ask to remove unruly guests. While a server can issue the initial warning, supervisors and managers are the only ones who can remove the guest from the theater or the venue.

We have had guests fight back, and that’s when security has stepped in with past interactions. They’re always ready when we ask for help as well!


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7bojme wrote

No, it’s woke culture and cancel both as well as entitlement culture if you want to throw that in there as well.

Woke culture because they are using the child’s disability to fuel the fire, when it actually has nothing to do with it.

Cancel culture because they’re trying to straight up smear or “cancel” this theater. It’s a witch hunt.

And yes, entitlement because they think they were above the rules. So it’s all three.


shahitee t1_j7brg9v wrote

recently got fired from there and didnt get any of my holiday pay for working thanksgiving. i got screenshots of me working that day and everything, texted my boss about it and he would never respond. called up there to be told id be getting a call, nothing ever happens. fuck the alamo.


MacAttack2015 t1_j7bt32g wrote

I pay a premium to enjoy movies at Alamo without some of the nonsense you can encounter at a normal theater. That family needs to get over themselves. The customer is not always right.


National-Opening7755 t1_j7bu0rw wrote

My wife and I are actually about to go to the Alamo in a few hours! We have the season pass, and honestly I wish the enforced their rules a bit more harshly. Stop bringing your loud ass kids and bright ass phones into theaters.


Samjamesjr t1_j7bw0te wrote

We showed them a screenshot with “all ages” on the reservation my wife made. I have no reason to lie and they wasted my PTO. Just remarking about a negative experience I had before we could even be seated.

I think it’s hilarious that y’all think this middle-aged accountant is part of some conspiracy to smear the Alamo and not just a dude who had a disappointed kid on his birthday a year ago. Like can’t you folks hear a tiny bit of criticism without going all tinfoil hat on me? No wonder Springfield is so fucking backwards.

Just saw the notification about this thread and wanted to remark on my experience. Working remotely for an Austin-based company on a Sunday… it’s not like I’m well-connected in this area. But cool, you all can be drama mamas and call a stranger a liar instead of accept that maybe a company made a mistake that left such a bad taste that I’d comment about it a year later.


Samjamesjr t1_j7bwnqh wrote

Maybe you’re just being an ass? I don’t have a dog in OP’s fight and left my opinion. Wish Alamo all the best, but the local management team failed to live up to the experiences we had living in Austin since 2015. I know y’all are new to Alamo and are super proud to have one, but it’s okay to accept that the humans working there can make mistakes.


Poshy2005 t1_j7c3wvf wrote

Alamo drafthouse is my theater for this reason the strict policy. The only thing different alamo could of done was tell the family when the sensory friendly shows were they could of made of difference. Otherwise good for alamo for kicking them out:


Poshy2005 t1_j7c4ep1 wrote

I went to see Halloween ends when it came out and family behind us had a under 1 year old worth them. Same thing server told manger and manger came in and escorted them out.


Goblin4Morrison OP t1_j7c6ypa wrote

I’m really confused by this statement, as above I said I corrected myself and it was an even amount of “woke” and “anti-woke” but you’re still trying to place blame, so it looks like you are indeed the one needing to get over yourself, friend. Stay crispy. 👍🏻


KRoebot t1_j7c7pd3 wrote

Love the Alamo. Love that they’re here in our town. Nothing about this colors my opinion of them.


Historical-Remove401 t1_j7cargn wrote

My daughter and I were kicked out for her Tourette’s once when people complained. The staff was nice about it, but it sucked.

Edit: not Alamo, another theater.


Eilidh111 t1_j7caw3a wrote

I have never been to this one. I've been to an Alamo Drafthouse in Texas plenty of times and always enjoyed it. I think I'll go now to show support. I hate entitlement. I am epileptic and have a service dog. A real one. Not for emotional support. If I have a seizure he pushes me onto flat surface, pulls up my shirt sleeve to show my med bracelet, and presses my alert button. I live rurally and have a farm so I'm out in the pastures a lot on my own He is there to protect me from being trampled if I happen to go down near the cows or bulls. If we are in public he will sit by me and "ask" for help. He's a Siberian so it sounds like he's talking. I always buy him a seat and he sits silently and unmoving through the whole movie. We also sit in the very back row by the aisle so if we do have to get up we won't block anyone's view. I don't pet him or talk to him, he's there to do a job and gets plenty of that at home. If he had an off day, which has never happened, and made any noise or began moving then I would leave. I was nervous the first few times and was fully prepared to go during the previews as I didn't know how he would react. I would have known if he was fearful and wouldn't have tried to "let him get used to it".I had a person once in Colorado tell me they were allergic to dogs in a theater with assigned seating so I apologized and left. I'm not trying to get attention or impede on the experience of someone else.

I despise people who try and use disability for special treatment. It makes it harder for everyone else and makes disabled people look whiney and entitled.

Sorry for the rant. Just aggravating.


SirTeb t1_j7cb5j0 wrote

To add, the Alamo is a very small theatre, you’re basically right next to eachother. No one sits in the seats in front lol so the 2 rows above are mostly filled


Eilidh111 t1_j7cb9o4 wrote

There was a family with little kids (LOUD ones) when we saw Mortal Kombat in Springfield. They weren't interested in the movie at all and were up and down and climbing over the chairs. It was so annoying.


jss728 t1_j7cc18t wrote

Hey there. We didn’t intend to “change our story.” There are a few of us who handle social media and I hadn’t gotten the info to the offsite team fast enough. As the social media manager who was also on site throughout the incident, I’m happy to clear anything up.

  1. We erred in missing the age and allowed in a two-year old to a 3+ movie. We have since addressed the importance of upholding policy with the concierge staff, who is new to the position and learning.

  2. The family entered the theater.

  3. During the movie, two guests put up order cards about children shouting and screaming.

  4. When we went to warn the family, the mother was also openly on her phone with a blanket over her head.

  5. As the behavior was disruptive and ongoing, we removed the guests so that others could enjoy the show.

  6. Unfortunately this was not an all-ages or sensory friendly showing, but we still would not allow that level of noise and never cell phone use.

We’re all doing our best every day and we hate this every time it happens. We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time with us, from staff to guests.


Poshy2005 t1_j7ckyy8 wrote

I have seen plenty of service dogs at the alamo drafthouse here in Springfield and they are very welcoming of them. To me alamo is the most welcoming of the theaters with those who have disabilities.


ChefBoyRD-92 t1_j7crgbw wrote

Team Alamo. Put your phone away and control your kids. Downs or not, take them out of the theatre.


CerseiLemon t1_j7d2gbo wrote

Then maybe leave that family at home. People pay to see a movie. And if a member of your party can’t sit through it then wait til you can watch it at home.


Christmasqueen19 t1_j7d47lp wrote

I come from the town this family is from, they are a family with the right last name, which means the whole fucking town will back them up, even if the family was in the wrong, which it sounds to me like they where, the mom wouldn’t get off the phone, the 4 year old was laughing obnoxiously, the 2 year old was running around. People who actually there said they where warned multiple times! The Alamo offered them rain checks for one of their showings for special needs children and she said no she wouldn’t segregate her child and wouldn’t come back. My family will continue to go to the Alamo, this is ridiculous! Half those comments are from people on the town that have probably never been to the Alamo and weren’t even there at the movie!


Athena17x t1_j7db6f3 wrote

I just came back to say thanks for this, I’m a server here and this is taking a toll on a few of us. It’s encouraging to see this


teamcrunkgo t1_j7dpdxw wrote

Yeah I’d get kicked out of this theater too.

Fuck that shit. Give me a hood ass regal where I can hit my vape pen, and fuck off on Reddit during puss and boots. It’s not Cannes film festival. It’s a movie about a dumb ass cat.


lifepuzzler t1_j7f4dsc wrote

Leave it to a Springfield parent to attempt to contest a very well advertised and strict no talking or phone policy at a national movie theater chain.


getagripgirly t1_j7gw599 wrote

being a witness to this entire scenario and apart of the staff, i have to say that the way this was blown out of proportion through our reviews is absolute chaos. the kid was screaming on his way out of the theater too, and it was the older one, not even the child with down syndrome. our manager was extremely respectful with her attitude towards the lady and didn’t even raise her voice. when she initially walked in to escort them out, the lady had her blanket over the kids head and was on her phone. big letters on the screen at the beginning “zero tolerance phone policy” if you break it, that’s your warning lol. we do have courtesy warnings sometimes with minimal distractions but the fact that this lady had multiple complaints about her child screaming randomly and making obnoxious noises, then was on her phone when our manager came in to get her… just mind blowing.


Dakkendoofer t1_j7hu0pp wrote

Yeah, every movie there has a giant ass “if you use your phone after right now, we will kick you out” message. They take it seriously.


bigjj79 t1_j7naqka wrote

Follow rules especially with small children. Period. End of story. If they didn’t, that’s their fault. Don’t put not following rules on the kid. That’s just stupid and looking to hurt someplace that provides a service with rules you won’t abide by. They were nice enough to bend the rules for you in the first place. Dumb.