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kellsybellsy t1_j7msxju wrote

I’ve not experienced a great one in town. If you like smash burger style, try Lindbergh’s. Otherwise, try WF Cody’s.


Second-Stage-Panda t1_j7mtza6 wrote

Lindbergs, Dugout, and even though it’s vegan, Jake’s Vegan Burger at Boskys Grill is surprisingly fucking incredible.


Globalksp t1_j7mv6dp wrote

If you're looking for a new everyday burger, I've got nothing for you. If you're cool to pay $19+ for a burger (maybe once?) Progress' burger should satisfy. Or, The Order's $24 Wagyu Smash Burger is worth a go.


Javaridge t1_j7mvu89 wrote

Galloway Grill has always had a solid burger.


Always_0421 t1_j7mwnia wrote

To me, they've best burgers are always homemade.

Outside that, Bairs has probably a couple dozen different ways they top their burgers foe some variety. If you just want to taste the meat, I'd go with w.f. Cody's on Sunshine.

For an old time dinner burger, ots a bit out of town but Kad-E-korner deli between fair grove and springdield on H (north glenstone) has a good burger and fresh cut curly fries that always hit the spot.


sizzlewow t1_j7n276u wrote

Hard to go wrong with a Braums burger.


Mowah t1_j7n5ity wrote

Find Almighty Sando Shop. They’re usually parked at a brewery. They make a solid smash burger.


TurtleSoup58 t1_j7n5ltw wrote

Lindberg’s has a burger that is hamburger meat and chorizo that is superior.


oWatchdog t1_j7n674s wrote

No one said five guys yet. It's nothing fancy just a good burger. I'd rather have that than reds. I was so disappointed in Reds, but it may have been a combination of bad day and too much hype.


cmiller727 t1_j7nar73 wrote

RepMO Burger in Republic! Check them out on social media to see their yummy GIANT burgers


somabva t1_j7nb4nh wrote

Schultz and Dooley in Chesterfield has great burgers.


andheinz t1_j7ncma3 wrote

Fast food wise, I think Culver’s has a great burger and Freddy’s for that upscale Steak ‘n Shake ;)


lincoln3x7 t1_j7nctfo wrote

The twilight burger at the dugout is worthy, Casper’s has a good burger… should open again soon. Lindbergs is always good.


CuriousBear23 t1_j7nd407 wrote

I have always found black sheep underwhelming for the hype it gets. WF Cody’s is best burger I’ve had in Springfield. I don’t really like the ketchup and sauces from Lindberghs but the actual burger isn’t bad.


pizza1sgr8 t1_j7ni983 wrote

I second the Wagyu smash burgers at the Order!

Or if you just want to do it yourself, Mama Jeans sells the same Wagyu beef that the Order sources- JB Kobe Farms Wagyu. They even have it made into patties if you want at MJ’s.


UNslientROBERT t1_j7nm80x wrote

This is a hot take but WF Cody's has not been nearly as good in the last few times I've been, Far from the Legends of my youth. Colton's has a pretty Good burger, flame happy hour, Lindbergh's, b 52.


SamMarrokson t1_j7nmbf1 wrote

Okay, so it isn't in Springfield but Marshfield has this food truck that has the best burgers I have ever had. This is going to sound like a joke, but its called Tokyo Hibachi Express, and recently they split the business from a lone food truck to a food truck and a dine in location. You want the food truck. I know you wouldn't expect a Japanese food truck to have the best burger, but I also don't buy burgers anywhere else.


Firesetredwoods t1_j7notb4 wrote

Hey here’s a cool fact, the family that owns the black sheeps, flame, char, and Zan is super transphobic


Dbol504 t1_j7nq26d wrote

Lindbergs or St Michael’s


Gs1000g t1_j7nrfqj wrote

Brewco has a brew house burger that is pretty damn tasty.


Rough-Dust-3926 t1_j7nrgf4 wrote

The burgers at Sugarfire are pretty great if you're ever there and in the mood


tombrady1988 t1_j7nvmyf wrote

Damn, nobody’s said Gettin’ Basted yet. It’s a BBQ joint, but they have some mighty fine wagyu burgers. A little off subject, they have the absolute best sides to go with burgers.


Spiritual_Dentist_54 t1_j7nwqps wrote

Gotta be honest. IN MY OPINION… no one makes a better burger than Whataburger.

I used to always love them when I lived in Texas, and I figured it must be nostalgia or something. Nope, when the one in Republic opened, I sat in a long ass line to get one, and as soon as I took my first bite I remembered why I loved it so much. I’ve been nearly a dozen times since it opened in December.


Bladestewurd49 t1_j7nxbmf wrote

Fire&Ice has some tasty half pound burgers, and they have a house-ground filet burger that changes seasonally. Around $14 for a tasty burger with fresh-cut fries.


XLfry t1_j7o250f wrote

Weird answer but - the big biscuit on glenstone has a great burger & fries. Don’t knock it til ya try it. Also reds on a good day.


shmiz t1_j7p6kl5 wrote

Druff’s is doing smash burgers on the weekends and apparently they’re incredible


iamsuperbruh t1_j7p96gv wrote

St Michael's downtown has some good burgers!


packilvania t1_j7pbmdf wrote

I miss Tubby's. They had the best burgers.


CandyBoBandDandy t1_j7psvvj wrote

Yeah I really don't get the hype of blacksheep, it's nasty to me.

417 taphouse has surprisingly good burgers. I've heard bears is also good


Turbulent_Sun_6420 t1_j7q0n2x wrote

In Marshfield, there is a good truck called Tokyo and they make the very best burgers. Worth the drive.


why909 t1_j7qf73r wrote

Joe's diner in Strafford


Small-Fondant7011 t1_j7qh92z wrote


I went for the first time a couple weeks ago and the bacon cheeseburger was SO good and huge


zombiedevin t1_j7r9npl wrote

Lindberg's tavern is our new go to for burgers. They fry them in duck fat!


Tough-Ad-9319 t1_j7rn6hb wrote

I thought Reds was good. But not a burger expert.


AsinineMind t1_j7ukto2 wrote

I like getting a cheeseburger with mayo mustard and onions from Reds and adding chili to it.


ItsWatney t1_j7uloe1 wrote

Haven't seen Billiards on here, but I'll throw my hat in for them. Holds up even after covid induced ownership change.


teamhj t1_j7uphfn wrote

Not on weekends necessarily, just special a special pop up menu. They've only done it once, a couple weeks ago on a Thursday, but I've heard rumor there are more smash burger nights in the works. They're good at posting their specials on instagram, so keep an eye out there.

I went last time right as they sold out, so didn't get one, but they looked and smelled amazing.


robzilla71173 t1_j7v8rcl wrote

It's no longer an option unfortunately, goddam covid, but I just wanted to hold a moment of silence for Falstaff's burger and homemade chips with jalapeno/dill dipping sauce. It was a sort of homemade, full fat, backyard grill type of patty and somehow it just tasted different than everyone else's, but right. Miss that place.