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TurtleSoup58 OP t1_j89f3v9 wrote

Reply to comment by ShallotExtension8175 in Norovirus? by TurtleSoup58

What symptoms did you have? Congrats on the wedding. Y’all sound like the shit! (Pun intended)


ShallotExtension8175 t1_j89h6uj wrote

Any food was promptly evacuated out of the end of my stomachs choosing. Could switch ends without notice. Don't recall fever, very fatigued, nausea.


TurtleSoup58 OP t1_j89hebg wrote

Wow…. Extraction roulette. Tough. I haven’t had a fever just a headache


ShallotExtension8175 t1_j89i3yq wrote

Yes headaches was the other one. I figured it was dehydration. I drank grape powerade because it was the only thing I could keep down.