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nobile t1_j8u7jfg wrote

Any of the Asian markets in town will have different kinds available. I'm partial to Asian World Market on Battlefield and Campbell, but there's also the Vietnamese market Binh Tay on Sunshine, or the Japanese market on Glensone, or Seoul Market on Campbell... I'm sure there are many others, those are just the ones I know.

Edit: made a mistake with the street names


seoul_train86 t1_j8uhw4l wrote

Seoul market consistently HAS kimchi but Asia food and gifts usually has more variety


indiefab t1_j8v3he0 wrote

Working my way through some cubed radish kimchi from Seoul Market right now. It’s strong! Love that place.


mangogetter t1_j8wioqf wrote

The Asian store on Glenstone just north of Bennett, in the coolers at the back.


sgf-guy t1_j90431t wrote

-kimchi…a Korean food-

“Here’s a bunch of non-Korean places that surely have the best”…

Yes Seoul should have it, a Korean market. Asian World is a variety of countries.

But a Japanese or Vietnamese store prob has little insight into the best of another Asian culture.

And yes, Asian menus are very diverse. Ever had good Vietnamese sushi? Me neither.


shinylip1 t1_j90qf8h wrote

I personally liked the kimchi from Asia Food & Gift market the best.


nobile t1_j91m9my wrote

Fantastic attitude there.

The Japanese Market is owned by a a Korean family.

And I'm certain from your comment that you might not have ever been to any of these stores before, since you're assuming that they would only sell items from the country in their name. Please visit them, and you'll discover they have even South East Asian and Pacific Islander products.

The Latino Market on St. Louis Street actually has A LOT North African items (the owner is an Egyptian who married a Colombian).

Yay globalisation!


AdeptnessApart7616 t1_j9nacg9 wrote

On a pizza at that rum spot on the square downtown that I feel too old to go to but the kimchi pizza is too fire not to.