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Professional-Middle1 t1_j99isrm wrote

G n J! Do not rent from them if at all possible wouldn't fix up thing for us


MCLand t1_j9vishn wrote

I agree with they don't really fix things...

Ex: 1. one of our windows began leaking a few years back and they sent someone who supposedly patched it. Recently the top inside of the frame began falling in the room. They came back and sealed the outside only without exploring or addressing whatever's happening inside the wall. It's like a ticking time bomb.

  1. The owner decided some trees were too close to the house so hired someone to cut them, who left the stumps untreated. Despite telling them, they haven't done more so guess I'm stuck trimming suckers forever or having to somehow treat the stumps myself.

  2. For years I told them the furnace filter grates were inaccessible, someone painted over the screws and they don't have quick-releases. 3x they promised to look into it. We've lived here 5 yrs now. Only recently did I discover the filters live deep up inside my furnace, almost inaccessible, and changing them puts me in contact with fiberglass I cuts my arm on sharp sheet metal. I let G&J know and they said they'd charge us to change the filters and had no further responses once I let them know I'd changed them myself (though provided photos, video, and explanation of how difficult it is). (YouTube search furnace filter Rheem Criterion II to see what I mean).

They're very hands-off. We've luckily had to call them incredibly infrequently and they don't bother us much. Only started annual inside/outside inspections this last year.

Aside from the above maintenance things, I like them.