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scoop_booty t1_j9k5f5g wrote

Reply to comment by HalfADozenOfAnother in HOA questions by [deleted]

I suppose there are millions of similar situations with HOAs. We had a member (Don) once tell us that he wasn't paying his $50 dues ($50!...that's all!) because the association didn't have any teeth. He was trying to prove a point that if he didn't pay the association wouldn't do anything. 60 days past the due date I let him know we were filing a lien if he didn't pay. He dared us. We filed, he got the notice, then paid his fee plus a $100 filing/late charge. Fucking idiot.

Don owned another lot in the subdivision. The lot next to his was always maintained and mowed. That person sold the lot to another party, who subsequently began his build. He poured the slab foundation and then the Don came over and said it was his lot. It turns out that for 10 years Don let someone else mow his property, allowed the new owner to pour a foundation, and THEN decided to let him know it was his property. There was a deed mixup and the realtor didn't catch it and the new owner neglected to do a it was ultimately the new owners fault for not being more diligent. The new owner told Don he'd trade him lots and pay extra, but Don, being the asshole he was, decided to strong arm the guy...told him that he'd sell him the lot for $20k more, now that it had a foundation on it! Can you believe that shit?! The new owner was so disgusted he sold the lot next door, as he said he didn't think he'd ever be able to live a day in that house looking at the lot next door and being reminded of the situation.

We no longer live in a subdivision, and I don't miss it at all. But, HOAs have a value, and the people buying property that comes with rules should abide by those coventants...or just not buy the property. Or, spend time getting to know the other members in the community and see if others feel the same way about a rule. Often times the members can vote to change or alter them...but you gotta engage....which is where I saw the greatest challenge. People didn't seem to care. We had a 100 members and it was like pulling teeth to get them to come to the annual meeting. At best, we had a half dozen couples show up...mainly next door neighbors who saw this a great opportunity to hang out and eat well :-). Ah...the days of HOA. :-)


Mungx t1_j9lzzsm wrote

If you were a board member of an HOA and you issued a lien on someone's house for $50 or a lien for any reason tbh, you're a straight up sack of shit. We live in the stupidest fucking country in the world. Hoas are a fucking blight on society.


scoop_booty t1_j9m773j wrote

Dang, why so hostile!?...and especially a fellow Ozarkian? Geez dude, did you get up on the wrong side of the keyboard?

I'm all about breaking rules, just ask that HP who gave me that last speeding ticket :-). At the same time, I also like to protect my investment, which is what an HOA fee is designed to do. Granted, some HOAs are overly strict...but if you sat on one of those boards, or any board of directors, you'd see there's a lot going on behind the scenes, most of it not very glamourous. Lots of selfish people out there that don't care about their neighbors. Personally, I'm all about neighbors, and I'm usually the first one to bring a welcome plate of cookies to a new neighbor. I think it makes a better world around me.


Mungx t1_j9mc3v0 wrote

You're only about neighbors if they do as your authoritarian regime sees fit. How people feel so entitled to tell others they can build a shed or not or if their work truck is an eye sore or not just because you bought a 1/4 acre of land is fucking hilarious.