Submitted by inhunswetrust t3_11coq6a in springfieldMO

Re watching Sister Wives and they take a trip to Springfield to meet a family of polygamist. I'd never heard of polygamy being practiced around here; what has your experience been?

Edited to add that post was not intended for any negativity on those who choose polygamy. I was born in Springfield in the late 90s and have been here my whole life. I've seen many different religions practices here, mainly Christianity. I was just surprised to see it on SW and was wondering if more common here then I realized.



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LMauerman t1_ja46t2k wrote

I haven’t had any personal experiences. But that show is definitely addicting. 😂


GundleFly t1_ja48aer wrote

I actually worked with him for a brief period. Interesting guy.


CelesteRyan t1_ja4b0b9 wrote

There is a large Mormon population in and around Springfield so it wouldn’t be surprising to find that some are fundamentalist.


Cold417 t1_ja4bm9x wrote

I haven't stopped to ask everyone in town so I just consider it their own business.


randomname10131013 t1_ja4hl75 wrote

I've worked with a couple people that were into it. To each their own! Too much work for me.


allengator86 t1_ja4k9kj wrote

I know of some people on the local discord server that are in poly relationships, so I imagine they are more common than people would imagine.


HotMessShephardess t1_ja4rknj wrote

I just re-watched that episode too!

I served on jury duty last year with a guy who had two wives and wore two wedding bands. He was so interesting but I didn’t get a chance to talk to him more.

I’m intrigued to learn more but I don’t want to be disrespectful of how people live their lives.


Crushed_cheese t1_ja4srgb wrote

A woman I know has two men. Kids with both. One is the public husband because he is responsible for carrying insurance for the kids. One is a closet husband. He isn’t even allowed to be in family photos with his own child. They won’t take their kids to the doctor. They don’t properly care for them. It’s disgusting.


Cthepo t1_ja4stk2 wrote

Didn't know that was a thing, but I'll ask my wives and see if they've heard of any around here!


Dazzling-Pair2328 t1_ja4vzwg wrote

For years large community Nixa, Clever, Republic.... You work with "them" everyday


mungermoss245 t1_ja5blgz wrote

Surprised the Mormons are still around. The army ran em out over 130 years ago.


DefundThePolitician t1_ja5ve58 wrote

The Mormons kicked the army out of Utah. They won the "War of Utah" as Salt Lake is a natural Bastian with only one good way in at that time in history. I just moved out north of Salt Lake and it sounds like you would be blown away by the presence here. I'm ex-mormon.


Crushed_cheese t1_ja607bp wrote

I wish I knew more. Everyone knows about them both. But the legal husband is her public husband. New man didn’t take on the same last name yet their child together has her and her legal husbands last name.


pillowonthewall t1_ja6fmz2 wrote

I do estimates for construction, i bidded a project outside of town and the man had multiple wife’s in small houses on his property


bobone77 t1_ja71llt wrote

People don’t realize it because religion is so prevalent, but there are some freaky MFers around here. Polygamy, swingers, S&M, really anything you can imagine.


Positive_Nerve129 t1_ja7dayc wrote

I am an ex sister wife. I lived in a sub group of the AUB 40 miles north of Springfield. There's quite a few people from multiple flds groups living at and around the humansville/stockton ranch.


ModernPolygamy t1_ja7xnr6 wrote

Knowing the loose statistics, Missouri is one of the states with a higher number of people practicing or interested in pursuing polygamy. I can't get into locations, but this is excluding the AUB.

These are just regular people, usually more interested in the rural life with a big family. Missouri offers a lot of beauty in that regard.


Vannababybanana t1_ja80w4q wrote

An old roommate of mine actually threw me out last year upon her discovery of polygamy. I’d gather it’s more common here than most people think.


giftedgaia t1_ja8f3fw wrote

I didn't realize that was a thing here until I created a FB dating profile. At least half of the profiles being suggested I match with list the user as being 'poly'.


No_Principle_5534 t1_ja8if1l wrote

Lived in Southern Utah and the lady who cleaned my office was a wife of Warren Jeffs. I made a joke to a coworker that I will never be able to retire so I might want to start looking into scuba diving with sharks as a retirement plan. She was eavesdropping and laughed.

Probably the funniest joke she ever heard.


matramepapi t1_ja9hnd6 wrote

There’s niche pockets. One of my coworkers used to know a poly couple. They exist. I don’t know where they are though, unfortunately.