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420420840 t1_jat6j62 wrote

I do camping in a variety of settings year round. Non -romantic, I would prefer single bags and single air mattress. Romantic, double bags and double air mattress.


cjh32495 OP t1_jb1qd6d wrote

That’s awesome! How much do you have invested into your camping gear? Or do you have like a full gear load out?


420420840 t1_jb2x3q7 wrote

I started out with just all low end and used stuff. I have some stuff now that is above Walmart quality, I spend a little coin on things that are smaller and lighter. I do a little back packing and a lot of sleeping in a small SUV. So space is an issue.

My advice on camping is to start out with one night local and slowly evolve to what you want to be doing.