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BannedOnClubPenguin t1_jefkkrp wrote

Hitchhiking online is crazy lmao just order a cab????? Like what???? I order cabs all the time


Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefsk6e wrote

Looks like the weather is gonna play in my favor, gonna ride my scooter there but thank you all for the fun comments!!


[deleted] OP t1_jefl47a wrote



Cloud_Disconnected t1_jefmkpv wrote

"Can someone please come pick up an armed stranger to go buy drugs?" Lol, wtf?


Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefmuxc wrote

And I hate to break it to ya bud but mostly everyone has a c&c license and I’m not buying drugs I have a medical card for my disability so please stop bothering me with your bs
