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HomsarWasRight t1_jbjmwro wrote

I know it's silly to have that many similar schools in such a small area. But here's more than you ever wanted to know about these schools:


Baptist Bible College, located on Kearney St. Established 1950, part of Baptist Bible Fellowship International. Not the Southern Baptist Convention that most people think of when they think of "Baptists." Still operational (barely, I hear).


Central Bible College, bible school located at Norton and Grant, across from the fairgrounds Established 1922, part of the Assemblies of God. Closed (merged with Evangel)


Liberal arts school (with some bible programs), located on Glenstone north of Chestnut. Established 1955, part of the Assemblies of God. Still operational with 2,000+ students.


You're welcome! 😉


Most_Dependent_2526 t1_jbn6l7c wrote

I’m from here, so I don’t find it that silly. I’ve always referred to my home state as the belt buckle of the Bible Belt, so no, it’s not weird to me at all. It’s mundanely expected, sadly.