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Anima_EB OP t1_je5zizd wrote

Reply to comment by Maxwyfe in Surgery options by Anima_EB

Yeah I guess it is. I haven't either to be honest. I'm in good standing with Cox too. I just got a call informing me if I don't pay by the 7th my surgery will have to be rescheduled or canceled. Pretty dumb.


BleedWell3 t1_je643n0 wrote

That sounds crazy that they want you to prepay or cancel! They will try bullying you into some form of payment (some employees are worse than others.) The only way I can see this happening is if it’s an elective procedure, ie. plastic surgery of any kind that will probably not be covered by insurance. Even with that, they allow payment plans. Keep us updated after you talk with patient financial services. I hope it all works out for you.


Anima_EB OP t1_je67sk7 wrote

Thank you. It is crazy isn't it? It's not a major surgery but it is a needed surgery. My insurance already approved it. I never thought I would have this much trouble.


Maxwyfe t1_je5zpk3 wrote

What? Rescheduled or cancelled? Can they do that?


BeerChemistWhiskey t1_je60bln wrote

They do this for scheduled baby deliverys as well. Went through having to pay 3k+ up front, even though it was all reimbursed by insurance after the fact. Kind of a backwards system.

Probably they want to cover incidentals or unforeseen events that aren't covered. Instead of hounding you for the cash they think they deserve they already have it to withhold from you.


Anima_EB OP t1_je63zmr wrote

Thanks, I hate it. What an insanely predatory system. I'm glad you got reimbursed and sorry you had to go through that.


Anima_EB OP t1_je6020e wrote

I didn't think so but it was a call from the office of the surgeon directly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a bit wild.


Maxwyfe t1_je62256 wrote

Is your surgeon going to offer some assurance as to the outcome of the surgery? I'm guessing not.

I super hate our health care system.


Anima_EB OP t1_je63i2o wrote

Of course not. I super do too. I worked in Healthcare for years and never heard of this.


Tess_Mac t1_je60djl wrote

Do you have insurance?


Anima_EB OP t1_je62e7y wrote

I sure do.


Tess_Mac t1_je639rv wrote

Then they want you to pay the "estimate" of what your insurance won't cover, I'd talk to your insurance company and also call Cox Patient Assistance today.