Submitted by mysickfix t3_120kuo4 in springfieldMO
Especially if you ask how this is not an abomination before God.
Submitted by mysickfix t3_120kuo4 in springfieldMO
Especially if you ask how this is not an abomination before God.
If they could legit prove it, I would go to church. But this just weeds out the smart people, then no one asks about where all the money goes.
I’d totally rejoin the faith if this was legit. But how they’re handling it just highlights why people don’t like or believe them.
If you’ll recall, every one of the idiots that were in the pews during their un-masked services during Covid had a cell phone out recording their ignorance.
But somehow not one person had a phone on them when this “miracle” happened.
Not one.
Ah, veeeeeeery good point
Brothers, they wish not for us to see the toes. Ask yourselves, who benefits from keeping the toes hidden? Summer is coming, and the sandals shall reveal all.
Sounds like they aren’t toeing the line. They really put their foot in their mouth.
Has anyone checked to see if backup toes are available? I still have all 10, but I’d feel way better if I had a spare.
I would love an extra pinky toe that doesn't have feeling so I can stub that son of a bitch instead of my real one!
Friggin brilliant!!
I just spoke with a member, though she goes to the west campus. I asked her what her thoughts were about it as someone who's a member. Even she's skeptical and agrees that in a day and age where everyone has a camera in their pocket, nobody recorded the event, and zero proof has been released since.
Best point I've seen so far.
Everyone here is missing the point. If they show the toes, the government will take them.
The democrats are coming for your Miracle Toes.
someone with time and skill should photoshop a Miracle Grow bag/logo with toes.
“We meant her ‘spiritual’ toes!” -John Lindell, probably
That poor lady fucked up. She can never go anywhere without full coverage shoes again.
Guarantee they're devising a plan/excuse on why her toes disappeared again. Poor lady didn't have enough faith to keep them.
they need to answer our god damned questions i'm tired of charlatans these people need to be held accountable to society.
Trying to untangle the logic knot of the people who made this claim is breaking my brain.
Considering how world-changing it would be to provide simple doctor's reports or photos of before and after, I cannot imagine sincerely believing that the miracle happened without also wanting to share the proof of such a incredible event.
The fact that their response is "have faith" instead of "Here's the evidence, and we're thrilled to provide it" tells me everything I need to know.
This is pure insanity that sounds exactly like something they would say to defend not showing the toes.
Jesus wouldn't grow back toes because Jesus doesn't know de-feet. 😂😂... I'll see myself out.
Someone should start a JRCsnark subreddit, I'd join so fast!
Couldn’t have said it better.
I wanna see preacherman, in front of everybody, legit cut someone's foot off, the crowd will pass said bloody foot around like a bottle of beer from the wall and while everyone is playing hack-a-sack with the foot, preacherman preforms the miracle and ol boy comes down and plays hack-a-sack with us with his own foot.
John over there googling “how to glue toes to person….”
I honestly think they are finding a plastic surgeon to build her some toes
Already done. Apparently Lindell has had shoulder “healing”, but it comes and goes with his faith in it…
You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. I'll get you a toe by this afternoon--with nail polish. These fucking amateurs.
MTG will be making an appearance soon to sort out her toes.
Krissy is a convicted felon who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit drug trafficking, was given probation, and violated said probation. She’s not exactly what you’d call “reliable”.
👀 where can the public view this information?
You want a toe? I can get you a toe, dude. I can get you a toe by 3PM, with nail polish on it.
Do you not think the church can afford some prosthetic toes?
👀 the public must know!
*her foot in their mouth
Their pastor is from Cali who tried to resurrect a dead 2- year old
They’re just claiming regrowing toes, no way they can change cloven hooves into human feet. /s
That's funny shit. Hopefully somebody calls them every day.
Are you shitting me? If this were true… I would devote my life to God. Somebody that I don't think exist.
Churches like James River give Christian’s a bad name.
you're thinking of a guest pastor who happened to be there that week. not defending them at all lmao, this just isn't accurate at all
I'm glad to see a church finally recognized for what it is. Money hungry people willing to steal from those people that believe in something with all their heart. Religion is a poison and I'm glad to see Missouri folk are slowly starting to see that!
P.S. I'm well aware not EVERY person in any given church is evil and knows that they're lying and scamming. It only takes a few bad actors with power and money to control the religious. Look at all the TV evangelists for example.
I was just getting my nails done and someone else in the shop who goes there said the woman was just too overwhelmed right now to provide evidence. Not too overwhelmed to provide testimony though…….
Personally as someone who grew up in the church and has stepped away but still believes in God it would do the complete opposite to me....I wouldn't want to believe in a God who let's children get sex trafficked but is out here regrowing random toes
I wonder how they haven't thought yet to say Jesus told people he healed to go and tell no one. So we're not going to show the evidence. It seems like an easy out that any charlatan would know. By charlatan I mean of course the preacher at James River.
They're claiming that they'll be able to start raising people from the dead soon.
It's a full-on cult now, and they're not even trying to hide it.
He who hath a collection plate and a full flock of indoctrinated wallet owners will reap the benefits of Schrodinger’s toes.
This made me chuckle. When you and I die, we're going to face eternal PUN-ishment.
Hell is an endless barage of dad jokes
Have you asked if their services include penis enlargement?
I’d tithe a couple bucks for that…
If heaven is full of Christians, Hell is the place for me. - Unknown Native American
As someone who’s seen and been healed, I still think the idea something so extreme is unlikely especially with how cagey they’re being.
Yeah but then he’d have to have actually read the Bible
Criminal records and cases are public information you need only know their names and stuff like that
I assume the pastor who healed this woman is traveling around healing every child in a hospital with cancer now. If not he would be an evil person.
Probably case net
Well what’s Krissy’s full name? I just need to know lmao
Careful, that could get you/someone else in trouble for doxxing..
But casenet is definitely the place to go to look up people's criminal offenses.
God knows they've got the money for it!
Care to elaborate?
Until you get down to 2 or 3 on a foot, a toe is more of a nice to have. Your body recalibrates its balance when you lose one. The worst possible outcome is you look funny wearing sandals.
On the other hand, we have amputee veterans struggling with day to day life. People with birth defects that destroy their quality of life. TBI victims who have lost their minds. Loved ones dying from cancer or alzheimers or diabetes or some other malady.
This clown gets a cheat code to regenerate body parts and uses it on a fellow useless appendage. Krissy, wake up! I don't like this!
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife's toes.
What we have here is a series of victimless crimes.
Hahahaha! Omg
Ate they doing penis extension miracles? Asking for a friend
I’m going to call and say I am with CNN
She's too overwhelmed to take her shoe off?
They already tried that, apparently
You know it would be on at least several hundred different tiktok Jesus influencer accounts by now
Kind of a toejob
You get a toe and you get toe and YOU get a Toe! Enjoy!!!!
But who could be too overwhelmed to spread the word of Jesus and the miracle of toes being grown back 🥹
Anything is possible for those who believe
I’ve been healed from the Flu- like, fever broke, snot stopped running- but the idea of claiming you grew someone’s toes back, AND refuse to show what would be an extremely easy proof of doing it, means they’re obviously lying.
I do believe in healing, but James River is clearly lying
i shall never look at Miracle Grow, the same way ..... i giggled
6 Flags over Jesus? ( do they still have the flags out front????
PACER. She was convicted in federal court.
OK someone fill me in I'm lost??
snorlaxatives_69 t1_jdhob6k wrote
Well they should tell Krissy to show the toes. Then everyone will back off