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LeeOblivious OP t1_jcbf9fv wrote

Sadly I do not think it would have mattered in this case as his personal info would have already been taken by the officer for the accident and the firearm was in plain sight. So if he had not provided the expungement paperwork to her, he still would have been arrested. Him having provided it, just makes it that much more damming on the officer.


hopelesswriter1 t1_jccgier wrote

Still a good reminder of the best advice that one has when dealing with the police: “It’s shut the fuck up Friday”


QuarterInchSocket t1_jccvgkm wrote

Sorry but no. That doesn't even make sense. The accident wasn't his fault, so he did everything he was supposed to do. How are you going to be a victim in an accident, call the cops, then just say nothing when they show up??


hopelesswriter1 t1_jcd04ax wrote

You’re misunderstanding. Yes, he was screwed because cops are bullies so they’re going to bully him if given the chance, especially if they think they can get away with it. They probably will in the end still. Qualified immunity and all that.

I was saying, that the comment replying to the OP is still correct in the general that this is a a lesson on why you STFU if cops talk with you. Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile.