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Anima_EB t1_jcbn69m wrote

Seems like cops should probably learn the laws.


LeeOblivious OP t1_jcbo03s wrote

Sadly, the courts have ruled that they do not have to know the law, and that ignorance of the law means they get a free pass (unlike the rest of us). See the doctrine of qualified immunity.


Anima_EB t1_jcbt69i wrote

Oh absolutely. I was mostly being sarcastic because I feel the same way most of you do about it.


byah1601 t1_jcd6amc wrote

Lol that is not what any court has said.


LeeOblivious OP t1_jcda0yr wrote

Heien v. North Carolina and U.S. v Shelton Barnes et. al. to name a few of many.


byah1601 t1_jcdboof wrote

And the Shelton case is about Medicare fraud…


byah1601 t1_jcdbchy wrote

In the nc case it ruled that a “reasonable” misinterpretation wasn’t a violation of rights. There were multiple wordings regarding lights on cars and he mistook one statute for another. It doesn’t say cops don’t have to know the law and can do whatever they want. Literally no court case said cops don’t have to know the law and get a free pass


LeeOblivious OP t1_jcdcx3i wrote

In both cases they did not follow/know the law and suffered no consequences. Yet if you or I tried that argument, do you think the judge would buy it?


byah1601 t1_jcddlha wrote

The cop knew the law and confused it for another taillight law. That was a reasonable error. Once again, no cop was given a free pass.


byah1601 t1_jcddnnk wrote

Cops are also exempt from some traffic laws. Want to cry about that too?


h1ghjynx81 t1_jcc0ktq wrote

Hey! Shut up and just do what I think is right!