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malevolentbroom335 t1_jdoybi1 wrote

nooo you guys 💀💀 i promise on my life i’m not a cop i’m just a desperate college student cut me some slack


ChewML t1_jdp0d1b wrote

(417) 864-1810 ask for Paul


drsideburns t1_jdp31ee wrote

Meet people. Make friends. Be social. Eventually you might find someone who knows someone. You’re in college; a great way to meet new people in itself.

It’s a bad idea to sell to unknown people, or to meet unknown people to buy, because if shit goes sideways, you can’t run to the cops (on the off chance you weren’t buying or selling to cops in the first place).


malevolentbroom335 t1_jdp40xr wrote

that’s the thing tho like i got a good amount of friends and none of them know anyone that sells or even does shrooms so I just resorted to asking to on here w the off chance of someone knowing something but ig u are right. just figured maybe someone knew someone on here that sells to a few people but i’ll just keep asking around