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ChewML t1_jcil7yt wrote

I have been hearing a lot about James River from coworkers who go there. They sound pretty excited about things, but when I hear about it I just start thinking about Jesus walking into the temple and flipping the tables of the merchants.

I hear this week they are having services every night and doing "healings"... One evening a visiting pastor has people speaking in "tongues"... The next night a different visitor says no don't do that.

I agree with the other response about prayer. If you earnestly pray to God for the truth about the Bible, he will reach out to you. Be receptive when it comes along, but don't just listen to what a person says. When someone tells you to believe a statement, they should show it to you in the Bible.

Nobody should ever say my pastor says this, it should always be the Bible says this... And then they should be able to show it.