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dividendDog t1_jck20ce wrote

“It’s all fake.” You sound like me when I was a kid growing up in catholic school. Once those realizations come they won’t really go away, because it is all fake. You’ll start to see more and more evidence of how it’s all fake. It’s all a fairy tale. I’m now in my 30s with a great family and living a successful, moral and ethical life as an atheist. Yeah, you don’t need to believe in any god to believe morality. Treating people with kindness and respect, not stealing, and not killing people. But what happens after you die? Same thing that happens to every dog, squirrel, fish, bird, etc. There is no god, heaven, hell, afterlife. It’s all made up.


Mysteroo t1_jckklmk wrote

I know I should expect nothing less from Reddit, but this thread probably isn't really the place to advertise atheism

OP is trying to leave one of the most broadway-spectacle, disingenuous churches around to find a more genuine crowd. There are OBJECTIVELY better places to go in that respect.

He's talking about the people being fake, not the religion or the theology. If you want to talk about Christianity being "fake" then that's a different discussion OP's not asking for right now


dividendDog t1_jckvo62 wrote

Sounds like someone’s frustrated the usual indoctrination isn’t working on OP


Mysteroo t1_jcl5kho wrote

I mean, if you want to peruse threads where Christians are asking for church reommendations just to mindlessly tell them that their whole worldview is wrong, be my guest. Just don't be surprised if it makes you look bad


polski_zubr t1_jckrtte wrote

>I know I should expect nothing less from Reddit, but this thread probably isn't really the place to advertise atheism

Oh shut the fuck up


Mysteroo t1_jcl58im wrote

Homie, OP is literally asking for church recommendations and gets the response "You're whole religion is fake, you'll find out eventually!"

Y'all see nothing wrong with this picture? Read the room


polski_zubr t1_jcl8i86 wrote

It's literally the best advice in the thread. Room has been read


ChewML t1_jck6ay9 wrote

Sorry, but you can't say Christianity is fake because you were raised Catholic... Contrary to popular belief they are not the same thing.


Embarrassed_Feed_145 t1_jck9knl wrote

christianity is fake and i was raised christian


ChewML t1_jckbj4i wrote

Sadly there are a lot of fakes out there, and it makes it hard for people to believe.

As many people have mentioned in this thread James River is a mega church, it is so big people think that represents all of christianity. There are many different "interpretations" as people like to say... But Jesus only taught one way, and it really wasn't complicated as other people like to believe.

True christians would be known by the love they have amongst themselves. If you don't see real love in practice, they can claim to be, but it does not make them christian.