Submitted by RogerFedError t3_11vdmkv in springfieldMO

In June, my wife and I will be moving to Springfield, MO from Arkansas. Recreational tennis has become my passion in the last 1.5 years, and I hope to continue that passion.

I see that Springfield has the Cooper Tennis Complex, which is very impressive with its indoor/outdoor courts and being the host of some professional matches. Is this the main hub for recreational tennis in town? If so, how good is the court availability here?

How are the public courts? Are they mostly in good condition to be played on? Are they plenty and which are the best?

Any impressions of tennis in town are welcome. Thanks!



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tdawg-1551 t1_jct2pcy wrote

Cooper is a really nice facility and if you join there, you'll have lots of options for leagues and tournaments. Not sure on regular court availability. There are several public courts around the city that rarely get used. Probably the most popular are the courts on the south side by Kickapoo HS (forget the name of the park). The school teams use them, but it is actually owned by the park board so unless they are reserved for a school event, completely open to the public and never full. 12 courts total at that location with a couple hitting boards. All in good condition.


DirtyOldSamurai t1_jcta0do wrote

I know a lot of people like the courts over by the art museum. The only other ones I can think of are the ones at twin oaks.


robzilla71173 t1_jctykch wrote

It's back and forth.

There's a lot of places to play. Cooper for members, park board, art museum courts, drury. I don't know a lot about it, I mostly just came here to make a lame joke. If you drive an hour to Carthage missouri I think there's still a tennis club in one of their big caves. Looked really cool.


dammit-jerry t1_jcuinn8 wrote

Seconding the courts by the Art Museum, and then there is also a court close by at Phelps Grove Park.


tdawg-1551 t1_jcuufx4 wrote

Should have put it in my earlier post, but if you want a hitting partner once you get here, send me a dm through here. Always looking for people to play with.


booksandspooks t1_jcuvw0n wrote

Depending on your level of play, I can recommend a league I play with on and off! Feel free to shoot me a message.


WendyArmbuster t1_jcvbkby wrote

The tennis scene is very strong. That's what decades of free, well-lit courts will do for a sport. They're everywhere, all over town.


caddison115 t1_jcvbsrs wrote

Gillenwaters courts by Kickapoo and Perry courts by the art museum are outdoor and well taken care of.

Coopers courts are open to the public, no membership required. It isn't really a membership, more like a one year season pass that pays for your court fees. Otherwise you can just pay the day fee.

Court scheduling is difficult right now evenings and weekends February and March. Counting men's and women's there are six college teams and this year Mizzou is using Cooper too for some reason so there are constantly practices and matches. This will get better as the weather warms and the schools go outside.

USTA has a big presence and is constantly running leagues and tournaments. There are also many player run leagues that meet on a regular basis.