Submitted by Gingersnap5322 t3_120xp79 in springfieldMO

The amount of people that still try to merge into the lane from that exit ramp from Houlihans is staggering. And on top of that you got bozos driving all the way to the very end of the road where it splits thinking they can be slick and hop in before it goes to 65, I saw one dude nearly slam into the barrels once because they can’t merge like a normal functioning human.



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xamax1077 t1_jdjl3v7 wrote

The number of lanes is almost never the problem, it's how people use them.


cktk9 t1_jdjpqn4 wrote

The numbers of cars increase to fill extra lanes added. Its a known phenomenon.

I always arrive late and leave late to work to skip the rush hour. Definitely keeps my blood pressure lower.


whattheduce86 t1_jdkv35w wrote

Aren’t you supposed to wait until the end to merge?


nickcash t1_jdkzp91 wrote

it's counterintuitive but adding more lanes literally never improves congestion


Longjumping-Ice-8814 t1_jdm0mvq wrote

If people don’t understand traffic patterns and teamwork, we can add 50 lanes and nothing will change. From an Indy driver, where we called cops on the freeway “pace cars” and treated it like a racetrack.


You_Ate_The_Bones t1_jdmek2m wrote

It’s universally been proven: adding a lane just draws more drivers to that route.

I watch my boss leave everyday at 5p to drive East on Chestnut, south on 65, west on 60…to exit at Chesterfield Village. This route makes absolutely no sense. No map app would recommend this. But he “feels” that no lights is faster.

Remember when 65 was closed a few years back? He and all those other drivers that shouldn’t be driving there in the first place…found themselves more convenient routes along Glenstone, National, Campbell, Kansas Expy, West Bypass.

People make poor decisions and don’t understand maps. We should add navigation questions to our driving tests.


Dizzy-Assignment-591 t1_jdmhzo2 wrote

it’s called induced demand. the more lanes you have the more traffic there is.


Longwell2020 t1_jdmjg5x wrote

It's a rule in civil engineering that traffic matches capacity. If you add more lanes more people take that route and fill the lanes. What we need are more routes.


External_Staff_300 t1_jdmqf02 wrote

This is why we need more mass transit. More passenger trains. Because every time you make more space, people fill it up.


Dbol504 t1_jdnsrlj wrote

OP what you have described when people drive to the end before getting over is a zipper merge and the people going to the very end before getting over are doing it the right way and helping congestion. Merging early makes congestion worst. May want to check your road rage a bit.


lochlainn t1_jdntr4u wrote

Springfield has the unfortunate habit of building for the traffic it has now, not the traffic it will have in 10 years.

By the time the project is finished, it's already obsolete. I've seen it over and over again, over 35ish years of driving here.

Everything they do is a patch, not a future proof investment.

60 & 65 is still half the tiny-ass cloverleaf that was there since I was a kid. Sure, they made the leaves bigger, but they didn't actually fix the intersection. Meanwhile, they've "improved" the eastbound to southbound ramp like twice now because they fucking underbuilt it each time.


tuhboggen t1_jdnzus4 wrote

I suggested a giant slingshot to MoDot…I think they blocked my account…