Submitted by t3_11xnae2 in springfieldMO

Hey springfieldians. This might be weird. Feel free to say so.

As the title says, I quit drinking a few months ago. Have had these on my liquor shelf since before then because until semi-recently I wasn’t sure I was “done” done. Anyways, I don’t have many friends that drink and less that drink liquor and I would really hate to throw away good expensive (to me) booze. If anyone wants these, I work at 1p everyday this week and would love to give them away to someone wanting some cocktails at home. Pics in comments



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OP t1_jd469mh wrote

Immediate update: because of the minors commenting, the fact that several were open and because I was leaning towards the advice of already

Thanks again for all the kind, supportive words strangers! 🖤 You’re all loved and appreciated


t1_jd3y4l6 wrote

Toss 'em. Will be beneficial for you


OP t1_jd44re4 wrote

I agree it will be beneficial. The everlasting alcoholic in me hates to pour them down the drain 😓


t1_jd5yiqb wrote

Indeed, smashing my pipes after starting MA was a huge event for me that will ring in my ears for years to come. The end of an era. Hope you got the same benefit from this experience!


t1_jd3taza wrote

Congrats on the how ever many months it's been sober


t1_jd3zfik wrote

Good work on the sobriety, mate! Getting rid of it in your home is a good move, I'm not sure how you aren't tempted walking by that every day.


OP t1_jd45125 wrote

I am! I didn’t realize it was nagging me subconsciously until a sober friend of mine mentioned it yesterday


OP t1_jd44o4f wrote

Thanks everyone for the congratulations! I really appreciate it. It wasn’t a decision I made consciously when I was slowing down to a stop so I’m not sure of a sobriety date but sometime in November. I don’t remember Halloween but I vividly remember wanting and not having a drink at thanksgiving and Christmas. Gotta love the family! 😅

In response to the minors, cmon dude.

I thought about mentioning that if you weren’t clearly an adult, I’d check IDs. I used to bartend and served for a few years so I’m not too green behind the ears 😅


OP t1_jd47hfo wrote

I want to hug all of you so hard. I really can’t express enough gratitude through comments. Thanks for your kindness and support! Keep being wonderful! 🖤


t1_jd447wl wrote

I’m not gonna take one drink and get dizzy and pass out, right?


OP t1_jd458qo wrote

I thought about saying “I’ll take a shot with you to prove their not poisoned/drugged” but obviously that would 110% defeat the purpose of me getting rid of them. I’m dumb sometimes 😅


t1_jd4he9m wrote

Out of a genuine curiosity, and feel free to not answer at all but what was the primary motivation for the behavior change?


OP t1_jd5rku4 wrote

3 DWIs, failing relationships, a realization of mortality and starting to care for my health, my wallet appreciates. Quite the laundry list of issues it caused. Alcoholism runs in my family and while I don’t plan on having kids, I wasn’t willing to let this generational curse put me 6 ft under any sooner that necessary


t1_jd560wz wrote

Obviously not the same but I quit smoking weed after smoking everyday for 8 years 2 weeks ago. I threw everything out. It was an amazing feeling. Stay on the straight and narrow man, good job ✌️


OP t1_jd5rs4h wrote

That’s also a tough one! I’ve stopped smoking recently (maybe a month ago) and while I didn’t think I was ready (had to for probation) my body must’ve because I didn’t have too many cravings. Definitely lost some weight and leaned heavily on zzzquil


t1_jd4ah20 wrote

Why not invite some people over for cards or something and invite them to drink and take some home (responsibly!)

Congrats on your sobriety, your body will thank you


t1_jd5fib3 wrote

You poured it out, that is AWESOME! I'm proud of you and to have been a late to the game reader! It's also incredibly generous of you to make the offer to everyone. You seem like a genuine and good human. I'm glad you are in the 417 😊


OP t1_jd5rxrp wrote

Im glad you are too, kind internet stranger 🖤 Doesn’t matter if you’re late to this party because none of us will be too drunk when you get here 😅


t1_jd40eh2 wrote

Not much of a drinker either but interested in any wines you might want to give away as I cook with a lot of wine.


OP t1_jd454zl wrote

I don’t have any spare bottles as I still cook with it! Electric stove top so I get no flames when I’m cooking off the alcohol 🥲


t1_jd51drw wrote

I will for sure take the Tito’s if the offer is still up!


t1_jd5rb91 wrote

I quit in November as well after 2 long years of drinking every day. Proud of you. It really is worth it. I'm more social now and functional.

Though tbh leading up to quiting I had already gotten down to a few times a month by that point. I realize I mostly drink to self medicate. Treating dysphoria and its symptom illnesses like disassociation. Depression. Anxiety. Etc. Gradually through transition I just stopped. I think because I started to pass and some people tell me that I'm sort of pretty (6/10 but I'll take it.) So I got to a point I thought "why do I even drink anymore?" And realized not even cause I want to but because it was literally a habit to do it.

the extra money is nice tho