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_ism_ t1_jd5zw1i wrote

for once i get a local meme


New_Boot_Goofin11 t1_jd60cd2 wrote

Can someone help me out here? I'm totally lost and a Google search didn't help.


Miserable_Figure7876 t1_jd663y0 wrote

I've got like eighteen toes now because of those James River Assembly assholes. I really wish they'd stop praying for miracles, because it's hard to find shoes.


GroovyHeretic t1_jd6hyvz wrote

Somebody let me know if they start making dicks bigger too.


garlicgekko t1_jd6s8qf wrote

Mental health and mental healthcare are still under serviced here.


growth-or-happiness t1_jd7fscd wrote

I want toes. Many toes. And since he can grow them, I need more as my supply is running out. Also....

*It is like when a pastor can claim they can make a leg grow longer. It is all parlor tricks.*


growth-or-happiness t1_jd7gwte wrote

I am replying to myself again. My grandpa and dad didn't have all of those slight of hand books for no reason. They used the same techniques to pull money from people. It was magic! No it wasn't. There was a reason why they went to prison for mail fraud, they knew people were dumb. And well, it was the 80's, so that was rampant. Religion was and is always easy. I have respect for those that use religion to help others, but that isn't so common anymore these days. See Joel Osteen, or JRC.


Napdaily t1_jd7hzm3 wrote

Growing toes! That's crazy! But a virgin birth everyone is on board with!? It's all the same Christian nuttary!


Charlotte_the_cat t1_jd7ivl7 wrote

Sure wish God had given my mom back her legs when she was still alive.🙄


_ism_ t1_jd7jzyr wrote

You'll have to get rid of one if you want another middle finger. Otherwise you'd have one middle finger and one extra other finger but both of them would be sharing the position of the middle. If you flipped people off with them both they wouldn't understand.


elaborate_hoxha t1_jd7l2ff wrote

Hey you know what else regrow toes? CRABS. We’re all turning into crabs.