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-lurkbeforeyouleap- t1_iqy8roq wrote

Too much liability. Would be hard to know if it has been temperature controlled or not. Just dispose of it, preferably in a way where it cannot be used.


National-Emergency-8 t1_iqyl5f5 wrote

I would just find a needy diabetic and donate it to them. Its not exactly legal but they'll just be thankful they don't have to ration their insulin for a little while.


duff642124 t1_iqyuh1h wrote

Call some local vets. We had a lab that was diabetic and the vet we used had people donate insulin and she would give it out to people who couldn't afford it for their pets.

It definitely saved us a little in the beginning, and then we bought whatever one we needed from Walmart. Dosing a Lab is kinda a crapshoot since you can't really take blood at home, so I don't mean to sound cruel, but it's not quite as critical.


armenia4ever t1_iqyp7a3 wrote

My father-in-law is diabetic and could probably use the insulin.


Cold417 t1_iqxo7zw wrote

Private party? It's pretty risky dealing with used insulin.


KayceeBuchanan t1_irlpqww wrote

I can use them! Mine cost nearly $1000 a month