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MacAttack2015 t1_is23pg5 wrote

that would make this the second fatal accident involving a pedestrian in like... two weeks ONE WEEK.

this city needs less cars and smaller roads. the inverse will never be safe or sustainable.


thearticulategrunt t1_is46t3k wrote

To honestly do that correctly we would have to completely change and restructure the way in which we design our city lay outs. Not that that would be bad it would just take a major change in way of thinking and planning.


MacAttack2015 t1_is5fx9f wrote

As a planner working for the City, I definitely understand how lofty (and unrealistic) of a goal it is. Doesn't change the fact that it's the right thing to do for the future of our community. I do not see City Council or City management ever taking such a progressive stance, however. Money talks.


thearticulategrunt t1_is8z444 wrote

Lol, if you're a planner for the city we've probably sat in a couple meetings together then. I've seen how well it can and does work in many cities overseas, some who have always worked that way others who are trying to be more sustainable. Planning neighborhoods to be inclusive to all needs, having housing, some jobs, groceries and even some restaurants all within walking distance with public transit linking in to allow easy access to larger services like non-emergency's like night and day. It could actually be done fairly easily but it is a completely different mind set to the general thought pattern here in the US.


22TopShelf22 t1_is8zjvy wrote

Watch out for the dangerous streets with too many cars and not enough pedestrians! Smaller roads will not make it safer for other users of the do you figure this? Can you kindly go back to whichever coast you came from??


MacAttack2015 t1_isabddj wrote

smaller roads are scientifically proven to reduce traffic accidents and traffic-related fatalities, but pop off sis! smaller roads force drivers to drive more carefully and slow down, making it safer for other forms of mobility to share the public right-of-way.


22TopShelf22 t1_is3thtj wrote

Yes. Let's ban cars! Yeah!!! Seriously pal? Are you serious??


macbeth1608 t1_is3ybol wrote

imagine thinking pedestrian friendly infrastructure is a bad thing… Lol get real


synystar t1_is467w9 wrote

it's truth though. We could use better public transpo. I moved to within a 10 minute walking distance from my workplace because over the past 10 years i recognized that what used to be a 10 minute drive became a 20 minute drive with a good possibility of being late because of traffic or accidents.


MacAttack2015 t1_is5fpvk wrote

Reading comprehension and science literacy are key to a successful and balanced society. I think you may want to work on both, bud.


22TopShelf22 t1_isdwwna wrote

Lolz. Why don't you ban guns and pools while you're at it, because they kill a lot of people too! Maybe you could ban roads? Endless possibilities with people like you involved! Thanks for the data. You haven't proven a point. Only declared an opinion. Big difference! No research. Nothin