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shavedcow t1_isoyfgz wrote

I'd go for Toto. I wouldn't mind if I never heard another Journey song ever again though.


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ispa2zj wrote

I saw Journey when they came here about 5 years ago. It was okay…but I wouldn’t pay for it again.


lincoln3x7 t1_ispre3w wrote

I was at that show and they sounded pretty good, I also got to see them earlier this year and the sound was horrible. I would be hesitant to pay ticket prices these days for a mediocre sound mix (I think the sound issues were all mix related). Also, seems to be more turmoil with the band recently… might be missing more original members. On the other hand, Toto sounds amazing and might be with the price.


lincoln3x7 t1_ispsrfy wrote

Of course, Africa as well… it was fun set. Only struggle was a very excited young guy singing at the top of his lungs pretty close to us. Hard to get too annoyed, he was so damn happy.


MappingClouds t1_isptqoj wrote

Saw them at the Gillioz a few years ago and they were great.