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cancerousking t1_isztcom wrote

Since you work there could you tell me wtf they are building cause I can't figure it out


TheFlyingMoth t1_iszu4ej wrote

It’s called Ship from store (SFS) think of it as a mini Amazon where you order something online and to get it to you faster this store gets the order, packages it and sends it through FedEx to you.


Second-Stage-Panda t1_iszyk8j wrote

“Fulfillment Center” is such a weird dystopian phrase to me.


Wise-Beginning-4255 t1_it2dxrd wrote

There used to be a fountain there, when it was connected to the gordmans building


incutech t1_it3jpun wrote

Does that mean the personal shoppers will be there and not in the main Walmart? Most often that's who is filling the isles so this change makes sense! I always feel like I'm in the way of someone trying to work and it's awkward as hell.


BackDoorBandit30 OP t1_it3kz7y wrote

No you will still shop in the main Walmart only employees will be allowed in the new building its basically a giant freezer they will stock with food and when you place an online order its supposed to make the whole process faster