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seed-eater OP t1_iuagjr3 wrote

Reply to comment by Virulence93 in Escaped husky by seed-eater

Glad someone knows him. I drove by that area on my lunch break and didn't see him. Hope the owners picked him up.


Virulence93 t1_iual2c2 wrote

I hope a nice family with land who is willing to do what is right by a dog picks him up. The owners refuse to have him fixed even though he has a ball in his abdomen that never dropped. They are just using him for breeding purposes and it breaks my heart. I had picked him several months ago and we tried to find the owners but they never replied when we scanned his chip. We took him to the vet and got him all up to date on shots and found out about the surgery needed for it and when we were trying to figure out the funds for his surgery, they finally got in touch with us. We hated handing him over. We even tried to talk with our vet about what the owners could do if we didn't hand him over and they could unfortunately take action if we didn't. He's a sweet boy and deserves so much more than what his owners give him 😭