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Frosty-Succotash8126 OP t1_iv78kw1 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ballot by Frosty-Succotash8126

That has been my general consensus, 3 is iffy because it would go to help reduce marijuana arrests but it also leads to the mass manufacturing of weed products


Second-Stage-Panda t1_iv7la7o wrote

Fuck the corpos, but also fuck the cops. They should not be arresting people for weed. If these pigs are going to do their job, they should take care of rapists and shitty murderers. Not fill their pockets with petty fines and fucking over people over a plant.

If 3 passed, then it would possibly make more headway into more locally grown and sold sources and more people getting out of prison for a shitty low level “drug offense”.

It’s about change, which unfortunately takes time and the effort of the people.


Frosty-Succotash8126 OP t1_iv7loh5 wrote

That’s been my thought on it exactly… Weed shouldn’t be an arrestable offense, but if it gets legalized nationally it’s only a matter of time before big corporations get into play and billionaires start selling kush


Second-Stage-Panda t1_iv7mb6j wrote

Unfortunately, that will happen because everything positive that happens will be touched upon by corporations.

Best you can do is speak out against any corpo and only give your money to local businesses that you can support, no matter the cost.

EDIT: Support the local businesses that you are willing to support.


Low_Tourist t1_iv80mpq wrote

Billionaires are already invested in the industry, esp where it's been legalized recreationally.


banjomin t1_iv7bl1b wrote

Lol, you have a 6 day old comment about using vape cartridges which are 100% certainly mass-produced.


Trixxxxxi t1_iv7lcxf wrote

I swear its always the biggest pot heads that will vote no on recreational marijuana because of some dumb ass reason.


Arc-ansas t1_iv91ryb wrote

Seriously. If all 5 states on the ballot pass, we'll be at 24 legalized states and build momentum to federally end cannabis prohibition. This is part of national strategy too. Vote yes.


toucansammi t1_iv8cyue wrote

Real people are sitting in jails across the state hoping it passes. It includes protections for employees using medicinally. It expands and increases accessibility to medicinal patients. Increases funding for treatment programs & public defenders offices. And they must give at least 144 micro businesses licenses within the first five years.

The campaign against this has been largely misinformation. Is it perfect? No. But it’s honestly pretty damn good and way better than most states do on their first round of legalization legislation.


Arc-ansas t1_iv91jux wrote

What? You'd rather have 9,000 arrested every year and not be able to legally purchase cannabis? It's not mass produced. There are already over 100 different cannabis companies in Missouri and issue 3 leads to even more competition including micro licenses.


Saltpork545 t1_iv8ijz7 wrote

You are not getting non-mass produced marijuana products. That ship sailed 20+ years ago when big tobacco started spending time and money in marijuana.

3 is as good as we're likely to get. Don't let good be the enemy of perfect. In politics, you never get perfect.