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ForWhomTheCheeksClap t1_ivddk5i wrote

What's up big dawg


Yesterday-Rare OP t1_ivde2wa wrote

Just boiled up an evening pot of coffee. Watching the Great British Bake Off with my wife and dog (I accidentally cut part of his ear off the other day…feel terrible).


Fjohurs_Lykkewe t1_ivewkj5 wrote

Ok, but how did that happen?


Yesterday-Rare OP t1_ivf6npq wrote

I was giving him a haircut.


Fjohurs_Lykkewe t1_ivf84ko wrote

Oh! That makes sense. I did that to my dog's butthole once while trying to shave her.


QueenMiza t1_ivgpktq wrote

Who do you think is gonna win? I'm picking Sandro. He's got the skills, he just needs to not take on so much.