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Wrinklestiltskin t1_iyr4t2o wrote

I would check with the Burrell pharmacies at Transitions or on Bradford pkwy. They tend to remain well-stocked on psych meds even when typical pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens, Walmart) have low/no stock.

Edit: Love the anti-Burrell circle-jerk in this sub. Downvote all you want but this has consistently held true, even when we had pandemic related manufacturing/distribution/supply chain issues.

Meanwhile the Turner Center suggestion is upvoted, despite the repeated issues I've known to come from that mismanaged pharmacy.

I say this as a bitter, burned out Burrell employee who laments our organization's leadership. But go ahead and downvote a genuine suggestion trying to help someone. Or maybe pull your biased head out of your ass. Nah, that'll never happen...

Edit 2: Never mind, the Turner Center suggestion is downvoted too now haha