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GinWithJennifer t1_izm3e0s wrote

Reply to comment by budtoast in weed is legal 🪴 by ancientaroma79

It is still most likely true heuristically. I am glad it helped you but I'm replying relative to the question in OP. It won't really change much for most people. A majority of people who will smoke already smoked.


budtoast t1_izm3w36 wrote

Well for one, many medical consumers don’t smoke and cannabis consumption isn’t just smoking. Most doctors, if they recommend it, suggest edibles over smoking as obviously that’s healthier. Anyways I get your point, there are just a lot of misconceptions about medical use.


GinWithJennifer t1_izm57wh wrote

You're nitpicking what I'm saying. I mean most people who will consume pot already do.